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KM Practices on SAP KM

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I am interested to know how SAP KM EP Portal support for:

1) In KM Information loop,how the submitted document is being classified.

2) During sinal submission into repository, is the expert approval is autometed or mannuaul.

3) What is the exact KM process for codification-> classification-> approval->submission of an article into the repository.



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Hi Jeevan,

Iviews are component of the SAP portal which can be used to display data from applications, documents, and the Internet, and display it in the portal. It is a logical portal content building block representing a visual application.



Message was edited by: Pooja S

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Hi Jeevan

1. The document is not submitted based on the category. By using the upload iview the document is uploaded to a folder.So the approval configured for that particular folder is triggered for the document. But by using the KM Apis you can submit to the folder based on the user selection.You can refer the following weblog for this.

2.The approval is configured for a folder, not for the type of document.You have to configure the approval process for this in each folder for which the document has to go through approval process.


3. <b>Enabling Approval Process</b>

a.Create a folder in KM.

b.In the context menu click Details->settings->approval and enable approval for the folder.

c.Add the required steps and users here.

d.In the settings give the required permissions and service permissions.

e.You can also enable Versioning and Lifetime.Subscriptions can also be set for getting the notifications.

f.Create a km upload iview and specify the 'path to the folder' to this folder in the iview properties.(for users to upload)

g. Create the km navigation iview for the end viewers and approvers.

If you want classification you have to create different folders in km based on the classification you want. You can use the KM apis mentioned in point 1. for this and allow the user to select the folder to which they want to upload.

If you dont need different approval process for different classifications you can use the single folder and display the documents to the end user by using the filters based on classifications.


Geogi Luke

Former Member
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Thank you for the replies! Pls can i know what exactly is iViews: link/article would be appriciable.

thanking you!



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Hi Jeevan

You can go through the elearning sessions in the SDN.There are so many materials available there. In a simple way we can define Iviews as the basic containers that holds the applications. You create a simple iview by this steps

login to portal->in the content administration tab select portal content->in the folder structure right click a folder and select naw->iviews. You will get the list of iviews. Select the KM navigation iview and give any name and finish and then check open the object for editing. You can preview the iview you created now.



Former Member
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Hi !

I want to know how to add life time to any document in KM

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Hi Jeevan

1.)On Index creation you can specify if the index would be utilised for classfication.By doing so all documents within the data sources attached to this index will be available for classfication. There is two types of classification Example based and query based classification, classification will occur based on the settings you have chosen

2.)Can be both


This can be built into by specifying classfication to be based on a property. A user interface can be provided where the expert approval approves the document but behind the scene this property is set to a value which satifies the classification criteria


Approver approves it and manually classifies using the Details option

3.)This will depend on what you are trying to achieve (different scenarios are possible)

