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Jobs in Job monitor are not getting deleted/Cleared by maintainenece jobs

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Consider we have job chain with multiple steps . Step 1 is running and step 2 is kept on hold. If Step 1 fails then Main chain goes into error state but step 2 is still held and its' not getting deleted by System_processkeepclause and other maintenance jobs. Like wise if step is having a console step and it's not acted upon the main chain is present and not getting deleted depending on keep clause. How to solve this issue as there is backlog of lot of old jobs in job monitor

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Former Member
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Hi Manisha,

I had a similar issue with jobs not being deleted from Job Monitor despite maintenance jobs running. Turns out that even though I had put a Keep Clause of X Days at the Chain level, the jobs inside the Chain had a Keep Clause value as "Keep All" with the checkbox "Keep Force" ticked.

This forces CPS to ignore the value set at the Parent Chain level that these jobs belong to, but instead go with the value set at the job level. End result was that these jobs were never being deleted. Removing the "Keep Force" tick fixed the issue.

Alternatively, if these jobs are being stubborn, run the System_DeleteJobFiles job and purge jobs greater than X days or according to the other options offered.


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Hi Manisha,

For Console status you always need to act upon manually.

The purpose of console status is for debugging when the chain is bigger.

In this case if you want to remove the job chains that are in Console status please reply to operator message as Continue the chain as error.

Can you please explain your first scenario in bit detail manner to assit you.



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Hi Ganesh

scenarios is like if we have job chain and we ignore the second step then once the first step gets completed the main chain  will complete but it will not be deleted by maintenance jobs irrespective of how old the job is .

Reason as the status of second step is ignored and that's a non final status

There are many similar conditions for which we have huge old jobs how to delete these

Regards, Manisha

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Hi Manisha,

Firstly if you don't need the second step you can always disable it using status handler which is a temporary solution and set the job status to completed or error as per your requirement.

If the maintenance job you are using only clears the jobs with status completed then apply the first scenario.

And since its not catching up the job which are into held status you can create a customized script which can help you to clear it  , but as per my suggestion you can go ahead and select all the job at once and delete it manually and apply the status part to skip the particular step so that next time your maintenance job can clear those history.

Also set keep clause to zero and try.



Former Member
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As the user is disabling ,Keeping on hold depending on requirement and then it's left as it is. There is no standard requirement for it.

so I need to create script to clear it that's only solution

Former Member
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Hi Manisha,

Quick correction, Ignored is considered by CPS as a Final Status. If you've disabled a job and CPS moves past the job when running the Chain, the status is marked as Ignored in Job Monitor. CPS has nothing further to do on that Job, nor is it waiting for your input the way a Console job would.
