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JDBC Driver for SQL Anywhere 16

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Up to now with SQL Anywhere 12, I used jconn3.jar as JDBC Driver to connect to our Application Server (Servoy/TomCat), IDE and Modeling tool. But with SQL Anywhere 16 this driver is not in the SQLAnywhere16/System/java folder any more.

The current JDBC URL and Driver Class are specified as following: JDBC URL: jdbc:sybase:Tds:<database>&CHARSET=utf8 Driver Class: com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver

Which driver is best to use for SQL Anywhere 16 and how would it affect the JDBC URL and Driver Class description?

OS: Yosemite 10.10.5, and Windows 7, Windows Server 2008/2012, Java 1.8.0_60

Thanks a lot in advance for any hint. Robert

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0 Kudos

Apparently, v16 uses v4 of the jConnect driver - I guess the following doc topic (and the comments there!) should be helpful:

The jConnect JDBC driver

Besides, you may also be able to use the "native" SQL Anyhwere JDBC4 driver which usually fits better.

0 Kudos

Unfortunatly, the links in the doc show me only So I am still a bit lost where to get the jconn4.jar file for SQL Anywhere 16 database.

0 Kudos

Sigh, it's soo difficult to find anything in the SAP support portal...

I hope the following link may be of help (though I'm not sure whether it is the fitting jConnect version), and it seems not to include OS X:

2093510 - How to Download Free SDK for SAP ASE [Windows, Linux, Unix]

I can't tell why they let you find a "How to download" instead of the download itself...:(

0 Kudos

I was able to download the ASE Trial and found there the jconn4.jar driver (I described it in my other post regarding JDBC drivers). Connecting with jconn4.jar works, but still not with the native driver sajdbc4.jar. Please see my other JDBC post.

Regards, Robert

PS: And yes, I agree it is (for me) very difficult to find something on the SAP Marketplace.