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Javascript variable to ABAP variable

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I have a view that contains the following code:

<script defer language="Javascript" > 
function text_edit(defaultSelected,defaultValue,myForm){ 
if (selectedText == ""){ 
selectedText = defaultSelected; 
selectedValue = defaultValue; 
customTextObject.cSelected = selectedText; 
customTextObject.cValue = selectedValue; 
textEditURL = "TextEdit.htm?option=" + selectedText + "&value=" + selectedValue; 
<b>customValue</b> = window.showModalDialog(textEditURL,customTextObject,customPageFeatures); 
var x = document.getElementById('customVal'); 
x.value = customValue; 
<htmlb:inputField id = "customVal"   
visible = "FALSE"   
value = "<%=<b>lv_customvalue</b>%>"/> 
<htmlb:button text = "Edit"   
onClientClick = "text_edit('<%=lv_selection%>','<%=lv_selectionvalue%>',this.form)"/>

But is says that x is null, meaning document.getElementById('customVal') doesnt get any value. And so, I cannot put the value of the javascript variable to an ABAP variable.

How can I transfer the value of my javascript variable(<b>customValue</b>) to an ABAP variable(<b>lv_customvalue</b>)?

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Is there another way to get the name of the form?



is null.

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Hi Kathleen,

Sorry I gave you wrong syntex in my last post.

try this

<b>document.all("put element id here").value</b>

It should give you required value.


Narinder Hartala

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I am working with Kathleen on this issue.

document.all("customVal") still returns null.

Any other idea?

Joanna Shi

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If you are using sub-controllers the you have to concatenate controller's ID to your inputField's ID.

e.g. If your subcontroller's id is <b>mySubController</b>

and inputField's ID is 'customVal'

then you can get inputfield's value using code


Try it once also.


Narinder Hartala

Developer Advocate
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TIP: You don't have to hardcode the subcontroller ID. In the view coding you can always use controller->component_id to get the current, complete subcontroller ID. That way if your view is reused by one than one controller or a different levels your code doesn't break:

document.all("<%= controller->component_id %>_customVal").value;

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Thanks Thomas! It's working. I have a new problem.

After setting the value for the hidden fields, I want to refresh the page and so call a BAPI to update the data in the table. Since this is a view, I will put the BAPI call to the DO_HANDLE_EVENT method. Is this correct? If so, my problem is how can I say that when the refresh is done, it will call the BAPI? I don't have something that would trigger the event.

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<bsp:htmlbEvent id      = "myid"
                      onClick = "myonclick"
                      name    = "ValueChanged" />
        <script for="IP1" event=onchange type="text/javascript">



in the above script for="IP1" is the name of the hidden form field.

any value change in that field will trigger serverside event.



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Hi Raja!

This is my code:

            <htmlb:inputField id = "customVal"
                              type = "string"
                              visible = "false"
            <bsp:htmlbEvent id      = "myid"
                          onClick = "update_custom_value"
                          name    = "ValueChanged" />
            <script for="customVal" 

then a javascript call will place a value on the hidden field, like this:

document.all("<%= controller->component_id %>_customVal").value = customValue;

When the value is transferred to the hidden field. I want to call a BAPI. But nothing happens when the hidden field is filled-up with a value. Is there something wrong with my code? Note that this is a view and not a BSP page.

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may be because its hidden, onchange event is not triggering.

when you set the value using javascript to the hidden field call the valuchanged() function as well.


this will work in view as well.



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I tried calling the ValueChanged in my javascript code but it shows "page cannot be displayed". What I want is to refresh the page and call the BAPI on refresh. How can I do that?

I added this code in DO_HANDLE_EVENT:

  CASE htmlb_event->server_event.
   WHEN 'update_custom_value'.
         *do call bapi here...

Is this correct?

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just palce and http break point in your DO_HANDLE_EVENT method (in the starting point) and analyze the event object . as per your requirement the server event is generated with the help of the javascript now, within your method you have to handle.



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I place a session breakpoint in the DO_HANDLE_EVENT but it doesnt stop there.

How can I do an http breakpoint?

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to place a http breakpoint, first external debugging should be activated

se80->utilities->settings->abap editor->debugging

check the check box (actv) in external debuggin box

hit enter and come out. now in the do_handle_event method place the cursor where you want to the break point and click the red icon with letters STOP, this will throw a popup asking whether you want HTTP break point or session break point , click the button HTTP break point.



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I already placed an HTTP breakpoint in the DO_HANDLE_EVENT but it doesnt stop there. It only stops in the DO_INIT and DO_REQUEST. After DO_REQUEST it goes to the page. What do you think is the problem?

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Just check out whether you have this in your method DO_REQUEST.

dispatch_input( ).



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Yup. dispatch_input( ) is present in DO_REQUEST. But still it doesnt go to DO_HANDLE_EVENT.

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can you do a search in BSP forum with DO_HANDLE_EVENT. you will find lot of entries, where you could find a solution for your case.



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Hi Raja!

Its working! I forgot to add an id for the form element that would trigger the event. After that, it worked! It enters the DO_HANDLE_EVENT.

Thanks a lot!


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Glad to hear that.

