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ITS Mobile screen size

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Hi everyone,

We're adding RF in our warehouses and instead of using the old SAPConsole, we decided to use ITS Mobile. We don't use standard SAP RF transactions but we developped our own by respecting all the limitations so it will work in a mobile environment.

We are still in SAP R/3 4.7 with SP 29 and a standalone ITS 6.20 patch 28 build 7502.5

We generated the templates without troubles and it works fine on our laptop browser. Yesterday we received our first mobile device testing unit (PSION TEKLOGIX 7535G2) and we tried to launch one transaction on it. The result is awful since the screen size is not adapted at all, we have the horizontal and vertical scrollbar on all the screens.

Even by setting the text size to smallest in the browser options, the screen size is still not adapted. The device runs Windows CE .NET Version 5.00 and the browser is the standard IE that comes with it (I didn't find the browser version).

We are aware of OSS notes 1119053, but it's not the solution since our custom transactions have the right screen size which is 16x20.

Did anyone else have the same problem the first time they tried it on a mobile device? Can someone advise us on what to do?

Thank you in advance.

Quan Nguyen

P.S: I searched for similar posts without success. I apologise in advance if this issue has already been reported and solved.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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For what it's worth, we had exactly the same situation. But we are now working on adapting the CSS style sheet and modyfying the template generator, and if you get into this you will see that it's a very powerful tool. The help section for this step is quite easy to follow.

The key to the problem with the screen size seems to be that the template generator will divide the screen into a table with one column per character, and each column is exactly 1.0em wide. The "em" unit seems to be depending on the font used in the browser. There is one method in the template generator (COMPUTE_WIDTH_STRING), where the width is calculated, and you can easily change the constant to make each column as narrow as neccessary,. However, this is still not enough, so some tampering with the style sheet is also neccessary.

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That's what we ended up doing. And you're right, the help section on this topic is quite well done and very useful. We changed the size directly on the ITSGENMOBILE class that we copied on top of other things. We changed the CSS too, at the end it wasn't that a big deal.

Anyway, thanks for your help.

Quan Nguyen

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Hello Nguyen,

Can give some more information about CSS and how does this impact template generation. I have same screen size problem. We are using MC9090 device with Windows Mobile 5.0.

Also where do I find ITSGENMOBILE class?

All I know is to use "Mobile generat" while creating service in SE80.

Also what browser did you select?

Thankyou in advance


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We tend to recommend the platform independent Naurtech CETerm. It's a telnet & html client with excellent scripting possibilities, and the knowledge base on their website has allowed me to get even websapconsole (bad as it was) to work properly. They provide info about ITS Mobile too.

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We am using ITS mobile for our WM screens to view in Motorola 9090.

We are facing screen problems. Can you please suggest me how to create our own stylesheet and impement in the templates. Which class we need to use?

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We are facing a similar problem. We are not able to fit the screen in our PDA screen.

We have created a new template generator also.

How did you change the size directly on the generation class. And How can we change the CSS ,

Where can i find the CSS details ?

Can you please guide us ?



Edited by: shaju tv on Jun 25, 2009 8:53 AM

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we also had our fun getting the RF applications to work on a mobile device.

To give a short summary of the issues we had to look at:

1) Unlike other ITS applications, SAP did not deliver HTML templates for the RF applications (in fact, they delivered some templates, but they are pretty useless).

We then created templates using the template generator available in SE80. However ...

2) As explained by others, the templates generated use tables with one character per column.

3) In addition, simple input fields resulted in 3 or 4 pages coding.

Code like this is not maintable at all. Therefore I decided to start more or less from the scratch writing a set of own HTML Business functions for input fields etc. Also we adopted the stylesheet.

Summar: "Out of the box" was only a dream ...

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Dear All,

Just one question more.

We are working with the following platform.




No Support package upgrade will be done. The ITS standalone will be installed without any problem. We are not sure about the ITS mobile (if the current SP is enough or not).

Are there any prerequisites? In case we do not install any additional SP is it feasible to perform the screen conversion in another system, and then install them in our system?

Do we miss something?

Thanks a lot to everybody.


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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Psion Teklogix has created a forum where you will find a lot of usefull informaion :

Alot of our other psion users and our experts will be able to help you with disabling scroll bars etc.

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I am facing the similar problems facing others here. The ITS service and the templates were working fine at the desktop level.

In this we are using the Intermec CK7 mobile RF guns with Internet explorer.The problem is the screens at the RF gun are so small that we are not able to see on it. We need to maximize it the scroll through the screen and entry is a very big problem and happens for every screen in the navigation.

We are in ECC 6.0 and as in this forum the versions are different. So can anybody suggest a fix to the problem or any advice on this.



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To adjust screensizes you can use the following ABAP code:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/>

You will have to include this code on every program and check every screen. We were able to do this on Motorola 9090.

However we are facing an issue with the Motorola 9190, however, which the standard screens appear too big. I actually have a ticket open with SAP to pursue an official answer. I will let you guys know what the outcome is.

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Please look at the following SAP notes:

Note 1119053 - Screens rework for ITS /1

Note 1119502 - Screens rework for ITS /2

Note 1128698 - Screens rework for ITS /3

SAP provides a new size screen 16x20ITS instead of 16x20. Additionally new screens will be provided with the service packs attached.

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After further review, if the new screens provided in notes 1119052, 11119502, and 1128698 do not work for your PDAs, SAP allows you to modify or create new style sheets and republish them HTML. I would recommend this eitherways, since you can play around with field sizes and positions - something SAP standard PDA screens has problems with.

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I need the HTML or a connection to the system.

(maybe some screenshots were helpful)

1. So there is the possibility to add your own CSS file ware your can change everything

2. Think about to use an other browser

3. You ahve also the possibilty to disable scrollbars...



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Hi Christoph,

That's what I thought, but I was hoping it could be something else. So we'll have to adapt the template or have our own CSS... Is it always like that with ITS Mobile? Shouldn't that work out of the box on mobile browsers?

How do you disable scrollbar with ITS Mobile? Is it a parameter to pass to the internet service? Or is it in the CSS or HTML?

Thanks again for your help.

How can I attach a file so I can give you a screenshot or the HTML code? Our ITS is not accessible outside our network?


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No because every operating system/browser works a little bit other.

It is also normal that the customer dont like yellow buttons in that case

in every project you implement your own CSS.

Scrollbars? I hope you dont use IE - you get here many problems.

Industrial browser have the possibility to disable the scrollbars (settings parameter)



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Our RF device is delivered with IE... Do you have some browsers to recommend? Please :)?

Anyway, thx for your help. It's a little bit more clear now.

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If you use a Symbol the pocketsymbolbrowser is a good choise.

