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Issue with SAP Script SE71

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Hi ABAP Team,

I am trying to edit SAP script to change text in MICR line but its weird that when I change any text save and activate and come back again my changes are getting replaced back with original text. Also, in each window text I am seeing entire form data like windows details paragraphs etc. is stored. I tried all possible settings but no luck. Even entire form data when I removed in each window but still it comes back again. How can I remove entire form data coming in every window and make sure text I want to add will not be repalced...there is something I am missing here ? Thank You for your help.





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I don't understand why you get all this "FORM TEXT" stuff, which is generated internally and hidden (language-dependent texts) and should not be present in SAPScript windows. For information, I can create and delete such useless text without problem.

Solution 1: check the SAP notes or contact the SAP support.

You may also have a look at the whole code of your SAPscript form by downloading it to a text file via the report RSTXSCRP, and you'll see this "FORM TEXT" section, it should appear once per language above all windows, but in your case, it's also stored in this MICR window (should not be there/should be deleted).

Solution 2 by @chvreddy67 (from the comments): "I was able to achieve the changes by changing the logic in text file rather than text editor of SE71 and then upload using RSTXSCRP and my changes are working as expected. But still why all those hidden texts are coming in each window is still a mystery. But for now, I am proceeding further as it is working as expected."

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Thank you for the reply Sandra..Sorry I should have mentioned earlier I tried this option as well like delete the window and recreate it..But after I create the window and go to text then all the form details and coming automatically..Also I created a new window with different name also entire form text gets populated. I also tried to download the form from test system which is not having this mess and then deleted the form and reloaded from test then also no luck.

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Solution: check the SAP notes or contact the SAP support.
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Sandra quick update I have created support ticket with SAP and also want to convey that in client 000 form is perfect without any form text and each window got exactly which ever text it needs to be. So, i tried to copy from client 000 but no luck again all form texts came into client 500(dev client) something strange settings is hiding.
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Sandra quick Update..I was able to achieve the changes by changing the logic in text file rather than text editor of SE71 and then load using RSTXSCRP and my changes are working as expected. But still why all those hiddens texts is coming in each window is still a mistry. But for now I am proceeding further as it is working as expected. Thank You for your help.