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Is there a more elegant way to obtain the least of 3 dates?

Former Member

I need the least of 3 dates, all of which may be null. So I first Coalesce the ending parameter date with each, then have a multi-column select so I can use the intermediate columns instead of a single line column expression that would be too long for my brain to comprehend.

It all works fine, but surely there must be a simple, more elegant way to accomplish this??

    SELECT  IF empstat_date_start IS NOT NULL THEN IF empstat_date_start > empworkauth_date_start THEN empstat_date_start ELSE empworkauth_date_start ENDIF ELSE empworkauth_date_start ENDIF AS wa_date_start,
            COALESCE(empstat_date_end, ad_accrual_end_date)     AS wa_empstat_date_end,
            COALESCE(emptype_date_end, ad_accrual_end_date)     AS wa_emptype_date_end,
            COALESCE(empworkauth_date_end, ad_accrual_end_date) AS wa_empworkauth_date_end,
            IF wa_empstat_date_end < wa_emptype_date_end THEN wa_empstat_date_end ELSE wa_emptype_date_end ENDIF AS date_compare1,
            IF date_compare1 < wa_empworkauth_date_end THEN date_compare1 ELSE wa_empworkauth_date_end ENDIF AS wa_date_end,

Thanks for any suggestions. Bill

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)


It's not clear to me how the posted code relates to the question, so it's also not clear what should be done if any/all of the dates are null, but "the least of" requirement seems a natural for LESSER():

SELECT LESSER ( COALESCE ( dt1, '9999-12-31' ), 
                LESSER ( COALESCE ( dt2, '9999-12-31' ), 
                         COALESCE ( dt3, '9999-12-31' ) )
Former Member

LESSER. Yes, that's exactly what I was missing. That indeed will do it. It is so obvious now, but that function escaped me. Thanks!

0 Kudos

Just to link to a somewhat related question:)

0 Kudos

Soooo, Breck's answer should be marked as the answer to this question, right?

Former Member
0 Kudos

yes, it should. But I can't figure out how to remove the incorrect "accepted Answer" and change it to the correct one.

Former Member
0 Kudos

I was going thru the same struggle trying to figure out how to make MIN() work.

0 Kudos

AFAIK, you will have to uncheck the current accepted answer by unckecking the according marker before you can accept the "correct one".

Former Member
0 Kudos

It appeared I successfully cleared the Accepted mark, but even after refreshing the page I would get a message that the answer was already accepted when I tried checking the other. Now after closing the browser, visiting a few other web sites, and trying again it let me. The magic of technology.


Doncha wish there was a LEAST ( expression, expression [, ... ] )?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Yep! That seemed natural and I tried it: but a few syntax errors finally led me to look at your post and the docs more carefully.

Answers (0)