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Is it possible to create a function that returns a table?

Former Member

What I actually want to do is create a filtered view of multiple tables. Filter parameters will be given to the function as parameter. Only scalar types can be selected in "create function" wizard. Does that mean it's not possible to create a function that returns a table, like in SQL Server? Do I have to go SP-way? (Sqlanywhere v12)

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Besides an STP (as Breck has suggested), you might "filter" a view based on the contents of a connection-specific variable (cf. CREATE VARIABLE), such as

create view MyView
select * from MyTable
where MyCol1 = @MyVar;

-- client 101
create variable int @MyVar = 101;

-- client 102
create variable int @MyVar = 102;

-- now when both use the view, they get different result sets.

The VAREXISTS function would be helpful to deal with missing variables...

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I didn't know about this method, thank you!

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Just the other day, I was thinking (for the umpteenth time) how nice it would be if views had parameters, as in SELECT * FROM employee_view ( @employee_id )... d**n thing is turning up in my dreams now, can't get away from it 🙂

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@Breck: Time to add something to this nice FAQ...?

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FWIW: As @Breck has explained in detail in his actual blog article, such a CREATE VARIABLE-filtered view might not be useful for security-related filtering (i.e. not to prevent users from viewing undesired rows)...


A FROM clause in SQL Server can refer to a function that returns a table.

A FROM clause in SQL Anywhere can refer to a procedure that returns a result set.

...I'm not sure what makes them different other than some syntactic sugar in the CREATE statement.

What is it that you want to do, that you cannot do with a SQL Anywhere procedure that you can do with a SQL Server function?

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Well, I'm used to that sugar:) Stored procedures are ok, and I've used them instead of table-returning functions before, but I wanted to learn if there is some other way in SQLA that I don't know.

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...but I still want to know, is there something a SQL Server function offers that a SQL Anywhere stored procedure doesn't? I like syntactic sugar, being fat and all 🙂

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Not that I know of. I didn't mean to compare them by the way, my mistake if it sounded like that. It's just old habits die hard:)

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IMVHO, the list of limitations for the MS SQL CREATE FUNCTION (when used as scalar function - which would be similar to a SQL Anyhwere stored function) is one of the reasons I strongly prefer SQL Anywhere...

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functions in SA can ruturn resultset!


Please, show us how!

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Take XML for return data type and process it with openxml(). But usual procedures is better