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Is EBF # the same thing as Build # ?


Some Sybase documentation, for example SAP SQL Anywhere Supported Platforms and Engineering Support Status, talks about EBF #. Other Sybase documentation, for example SQL Anywhere Bug Fix Readme for Version 16.0.0, build 2798, talks about Build #.

I surmise that EBF # and Build # refer to the same number. Right?

Specifically, we now run an instance of SQL Anywhere Network Server Version on Windows 2008 R2. I gather that 1535 is the SQL Anywhere Build #. I am trying to determine what I need to do to upgrade my server's OS to Windows Server 2016. The first document linked above says that "EBF #2419 or higher required" for SQL Anywhere v 16.0 on that platform.

So does that mean I need to upgrade the Build number to at least 2419 by applying an EBF oatch? And that if I obtain and apply a cumulative patch for EBF # 2419, my SQL Anywhere server will then show it is running version

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You are correct. EBF # and Build # refer to the same thing.

When the phrase "build <number> or higher" is used, it means that you need to apply a patch that is at least build # <number>. I'd recommend that if you are upgrading that you find the latest (i.e. highest number) patch and upgrade to it.