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IPS conditional mapping of personal vs. business email from SF User to IAS User email

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I am seeking advice for implementing a customer requirement for using personal email of workers who do not have a domain account and therefore no business email assigned as the (unique) email of the related IAS user.

In SF we have the user field "email" for storing the email type (B) Business and another field "custom02" for storing the email type (P) Personal. HRIS Sync mapping is configured accordingly.

How does the JSON code in the IPS Transformation Template of the source system (SF) need to look like to have a conditional mapping in place to fullfil following requirement described as pseudo code:

IF is not NULL

           THEN map to target path $.emails

ELSE map SFuser.custom02 to target path$.emails


Learn more about the SAP Support user and program here.
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Email of the SF user is set to $.emails by the following default transformation:

                "sourcePath": "$.emails",
                "targetPath": "$.emails",
                "optional": true,
                "preserveArrayWithSingleElement": true

so, you just need to add logic for empty email like:

 "condition": "$.emails EMPTY true",
 "sourcePath": "$['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:successfactors:2.0:User']['customFields'][?(@.customFieldName == 'custom02')]['value']",
 "targetPath": "$.emails[0].value"

Please note this works only if user data returned by SF SCIM API is like below:

 "emails": [],
 "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:successfactors:2.0:User": {
  "customFields": [
                        "value": "",
                        "customFieldName": "custom02",
                        "display": "Customizable Field 2"


If format of returned data is different than above, the transformation won't work and you need to make change according to actual data.

You can use steps in the following KBA to check data returned by SF SCIM API:

3309225 - How to check user data returned by SuccessFactors SCIM API(Version 2) for IPS trouble shooting using POSTMAN REST client

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Hi, I have a similar requirement and this solution partially works for me. However I have another condition and that is If business Email and Custom02 field are both empty then I need to send a dummy email to IAS.
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I am using below code for this in IAS source system but it does not work :{ "sourcePath": "$.userName", "targetPath": "$.emails[0].value", "condition": "($.emails EMPTY true) && ($.custom02 EMPTY true)", "preserveArrayWithSingleElement": true, "functions": [ { "function": "concatString", "suffix": "" } ] }, in my case Email ID is blank but custom02 is not blank , but still system populated Email as the Dummy one. Is something wrong in the code here.