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This question is in regard to the weblogs

by prakash singh

i am using EP SP14. I have the jars mentioned in the weblog




when i run the code i get IPCM object not found exception. I decompiled the class files in the jar they are empty.

Can anyone list the private api's with refrence to manipulating worksets, pages,roles and iviews programmatically.

can you Send the jar files to

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hi Kirupanand,

I followed the same this specified in the weblog and it is working fine for me.

I sent you the required jar files as you requested.

If you got it just let me know.

If you download the jar files thro portal,sometimes it will be empty.

better you go to the server directly and get the jar files.that is the best option.

Extract those jar files( which i've sent to you) in one folder and use class finder for finding out the jars.

Actually you should not use private jars.

And If you want to access private jars put those jars inside your dist/PORTAL-INF/lib directory.It should work for you now i think.Thanks a lot.


Karthick K Eswaran

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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I used the jars you provided but i am still getting the error

Portal Runtime Error

An exception occurred while processing a request for :

iView : N/A

Component Name : N/A


Exception id: 09:24_28/02/06_0006_8119050

See the details for the exception ID in the log file

What could be the problem?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Kirupanand,

Give me the stack trace.

copy the exception id and paste it in...

Portal->Java Development->Tools->Log Viewer->paste the Exception id here in search filed.

paste the trace here..


Karthick Eswaran

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Kirupanand,

I think you are missing the jar file which contains the class IPCMObject.

So try to find that jar file..



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Kirupanand,

I found out the jar file.

Its name is :

Do onething..

Copy the jar files under dist/PORTAL-INF/lib folder

Dont put in in your local folder.

If any jars available already remove those.

Now right click the project - >properties->java build path->libraries-> Add Jars (and not Add External Jars)->select your project->dist->PORTAL-INF->lib->select the jar file.

say ok.

Now it should work for you and it should not throw any exception.

