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IP pitfalls and difficulties

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I am trying to research the 'hidden' problems in migrating to IP from BPS - pitfalls or difficulties experienced on live projects. I have read up the documentation from SAP, but want to hear about real-life experiences. We are trying to make the decision whether to migrate to IP or not. Any help/experiences would be greatly beneficial.



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Former Member
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Hi Nihar,

there is no standard migration, you have to do everything manually.

IP is still not very stabile. But nowadoys it´s much better than one year ago.

it would take to much time to list all problems, that you could have when using IP. I was actually only using it for new projects but did not try to "copy" from BPS.

I would suggest not to migrate, but only to create new planning applications in IP.

What I still miss in IP are Hierarchical layouts.



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Hi Cornelia,

Thanks for your reply. Can you clarify regarding the hierarchial layouts? From what I have heard, the use of hierarchies is one of the key features in IP that was missing in BPS, so I just want to understand more about what you are asking.

Thanks once again,


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Hello Nihar,

I thought you know BPS when you want to migrate to IP.

Hierarchical layouts have nothing to do with hierarchies, but are a special setting for layouts to be used to define if you are doing a Top Down or a Bottom Up planning. Doing Top Down Planning with hierarchical layouts means, that users can not change the Top-Value (i.e. value on cost center) when entering detailed values (i.e. cost elements for the cost center).



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Hi Nihar / Cornelia,

It is possible to Plan top down distribution with out any planning function , right on the layout in IP now , also possible to do hierarchy node planning with structure using NW SPS13 , BI SP14/15, FEP 5.

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Sorry, I meant FEP15

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Check the below thread: