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Invoice RPA Bot - one mail address multiple company codes


Hi everyone,

i am a technical implementor of the RPA bot for Central Invoice Management 6JX. During the setup i was a bit confused because the requirement is that every "company code" needs a mail address.

I think the SAP solution is an advanced invoice solution and this should not be the case or am i wrong here? We have 15 company codes - so i need 15 shared mailboxes and our suppliers need to send their invoices to the right mail address?

How to configure 1 shared mailbox and use the OCR, machine learning, AI to route the invoice to the right company code after it was uploaded?



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Hi Stephan,

The reason behind this is that the API that uploads the invoice to CIM has the company code as a mandatory field, similar to the manual uploads.

So you need to find a way to determine the company code before you upload the invoices.

The requirement is quite common and I also have customers asking for this (and being surprised it's not there) so maybe this is something to put in a customer influence ticket for.

best regards,


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I would work with PowerAutomate and Syntex on this. But there is my problem - we do not have the experience to build a solution on this.
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We get a mail every time the bot runs for every mailbox. We have 12 and the bot runs every 3 minutes......

This is an automated email powered by SAP Process Automation.
The BOT generated following log:
No unread emails with relevant attachment type found in the inbox

That message is useless - how to configure the bot to only send on Warning and Errors

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Update: the API will be updated to load invoices without the mandatory mention of the company code by Jan 17, 2025.