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Inquiry about issues stopping replication flow.

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Hello Community,

I have been facing an issue with a replication flow that I have been trying to stop for a week, but without success. I would like to know if anyone has experienced something similar and could help me understand the possible causes of this problem.

I have tried several solutions, but the flow remains active. Could you suggest what else I might check or if there are any specific steps I should follow to resolve this issue?

I appreciate any guidance or advice you can offer.

Best regards

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I am experiencing the same problem. RF just sits there with "Stopping" status and nothing happen. Can't restart, can't pause or anything after that. The only option I had (and by no means is a solution) was to delete and recreate the RF. I couldn't wait as we were on deadline project. I have open SAP ticket to see what they say. Will post here if I find solution. 

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This problem recently started in our production environment and it's really strange that we cannot stop or kill the stuck job. I have raised an incident with SAP and hoping that they will resolve it quicker. I'll let you know once we have the solution is place.