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Infobject Aggregation

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Hello BW experts,

I have infobject which has Aggregation set to 'Maximum'. Exception aggregation set to 'last value' reference infobject '0calday'.

Wondering what is the meaning of this setting. can you give an example where this is ideally used.



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Aggregation means the value that will be updated if multiple records come with the same characterstics. In this case the maximum value will be updated.

Exception aggregation is for dynamic aggregation and is run time only. If the rpeort is run for a period of month, the value on last day of the month or if it is run for a week, then last day of the week and if it is run without any time restriction then alst day for which any value has been posted iwll be displayed.

Aggregation is static in nature and exception aggregation is dynamic in nature.

Former Member
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Thanks Aneesh,

Can you give me any particular business case scenario it is used. That would be of a great help.



Former Member
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Exception aggregation: Last value is used in alot of cases - for e.g. headcount or inventory stocks. In case of inventory sum of inventory does not make sense at all. Lastest valu eof inventory is the value of inventory.

Other times excpetion aggregation is used is to get counts - for e.g. how many customers made up this sales figure (sales would have an exception aggregation of count with reference characteristic as customer)

Excpetion aggregation can be set in the query directly also. Create a clacualtated key figure with only one leement - the base key figure. In the properties, excpetion aggregation comes up.

maximum: Validity dates like valid to and valid from. Incase multiple reocrds come up the to date should hte max out of the records and the from date should hte minimum giving the maximum period.

Hope this is clear.

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