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In SAP Cloud ALM Analytics for defects reporting, I want to create team wise column charts.

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In SAP Cloud ALM Analytics for defects reporting , I want to create a column chart which includes daily defect status. I need team wise different column charts in one go. Currently when I am selecting 2 teams, the defect numbers got added and it’s displaying sum of two teams defects in one column.Currently it is possible to create 2 different column charts if it is generated by selecting time Frame filter(here i have generated chart for 30 and 31 July, so there are 2 different column charts generated).

In short I want to create 1 column chart for FICO team, 1 column chart for MM team, in the same chart window.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Shruti,

Yes that is correct you can view defects per team only for one team at a time, in the defects reporting app. However we will your request to discuss internally to find a good solution to fulfill your requirements. I will connect with you via email to validate the proposals with you, would that be ok with you?

