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Impact of turn-on ' set password expiry date' parameter

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Our company are in the midst of SOX IT Audit and one of the requirement is to set the password expiry date for every 90 days.

Is there any impact to the SAP system if we set this parameter for Oracle database and also Windows O/S id?

For Oracle DB, the schema ID involves are as follows:

system, sys, sapr3, sap<sid>db, dbsnmp, outln, <sid>adm.

For Windows OS id are as follows:

<sid>adm, SAPservice<sid>, ora<sid>

Please advice if there's an impact on SAP.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


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Former Member
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as long as you are not violating the expiry date, there is no problem.

BUT SAP does not handle the errors which could result from expiration of the oracle account.



Former Member
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If you change the oracle password for sapr3 or sap<sid> Oracle user, when SAP is up and running there may be reconnect problems. Example if you kill a sap work process in SM50.

Also you have to change the passwords through brtools, not directly using SQL Plus.

We have by passed the issue by stating in our security base line document that these passwords will not be changed.