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Idoc to IdocXML

Former Member
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Hello Experts,

I have a requirement. I have a folder configured to pick an IDOC from a folder. This is for IDOC to EDI translation.

I need to generate an IDOCXML from the input idoc that was put into a folder. Please tell me how to do it. I do not want to use a business system to post the IDOC.

What do I need to do to configure my sender communication channel so that it picks up the idoc from the folder and generates an idocxml and processes it?

Thank you


Edited by: Vincent Samuel on May 21, 2008 1:07 PM

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Former Member
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We had a similar requirement. Use report program RSEINB00, give your File Loaction (complete path). This will convert file to IDoc XML and pass it to Integration Engine. You do not need a Sender Agreement.

Good Luck!


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How we can save the IDoc in a folder, if we save the IDoc in a folder that is stored in the file format then by using the file adapter we can pick that file, now by default it have the xmlidoc format.

This links may help to you

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

HI Vincent,

As far as my understanding, The connected systems generate the corresponding IDocs in the applications and send them to the new tRFC port; the RFC destination of this port addresses the Integration Server.Then The IDoc adapter that generates IDoc XML from the native IDoc format is called on the Integration Server. This IDoc XML is transferred to the Integration Engine pipeline for the purposes of routing, mapping, and sending.

For your reference..

There is a mechanism to create IDoc XML within SAP ERP through the use of

Change Pointers in concert with a port of type XML File (WE21). This is well

documented in this document.

Have a look in this document.


Hope this will help you a bit.


Aashish Sinha

PS : reward points if helpful

Former Member
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Hello Guys,

The solutions provided does not resolve my issue. I just need to process an IDOC present in a folder.

This idoc in the folder needs to be converted into an IDOCXML. The rest of the translation will happen with the MM present.

Please tell me in short "how to convert a IDOC into an IDOCXML without using the IDOC adapter".

Thank you,


Active Contributor
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Idoc-xml is a file which has all the elements similar to that of an idoc. Now u r saying that u have a folder with idoc. This means that u r saving an idoc as file. If u read this file using file adapter, then the message u receive in XI will be automatically in idoc-xml format and u ll not have to do anything else.



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