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IDOC DELVRY05 TO EDI 856 - Mapping problem

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Hi all,

i'm currently working on a outbound mapping with the delivery idoc (DELVRY05) and the EDI 856 (Advance Shipping Notice Definition)

The problem is that i can't map the items for every pack in the structure because the ocurrency doesn't match.

The EDI 856 has a segment called G_SHL (ocurrence 0.200000), that i replicated 4 times for shipping, order, pack and item data

And this segment has a subsegment called G_SHL/S_HL (ocurrence 0.1)




3 HL1*S~ ======> S: shipping, 1 hierarchy)

4 TD1CTN251***G223.997*LB~


6 REFBM003030987~

7 REFCN086044619~

8 DTM01120080128*180610~

9 DTM06720080204~

10 FOB*PP~

11 N1SFStiefel Labs~

12 N4DULUTHGA*30096~

13 HL21*O~ ======> O: order, 2 hierarchy, 1 was the previous hierarchy)

14 PRF*4064561~

15 HL32*P~ ======> P : Pack, 3 hierarchy, 2 was the previous hierarchy

16 MANGM00000734620052976193~

17 HL43*I~ ======> I: Item , 4 hierchay, 3 was the previous hierarchy

31 LIN*UP073462150651LT45X5147ND00145150605~

32 SN1*12EA~

33 DTM03620090930~

34 HL52*P~ ======> P : Pack, 5 hierarchy, 2 was the previous hierarchy

35 MANGM00000734620052975189~

36 HL65*I~ ======> I: Item , 6 hierchay, 5 was the previous hierarchy

37 LIN*UP073462150651LT45X5147ND00145150605~

38 SN1*12EA~

39 DTM03620090930~

40 HL72*P~ ======> P : Pack,7 hierarchy, 2 was the previous hierarchy

41 MANGM00000734620052975196~

42 HL87*I~ ======> I: Item , 8 hierarchay, 7 was the previous hierarchy

43 LIN*UP073462150651LT45X5147ND00145150605~

44 SN1*12EA~

45 DTM03620090930~

46 CTT*8~

47 SE479220014~

As u see, all packs belong to "2 hierarchy" (order), and items to their correposding pack

(has a comment, the "hierarchy number" is always given by a counter so u won't find the exact number again)



so, the client wants us to create an structure that is like this..

1º Pack



1º item



2º item

2º Pack



1º item



2º item

(the example has only one item, but they say that is going to be with many items)

- The problem is that the structure data of the Idoc doesnt match EDI 856 structure

E1EDL37 (0.99999) -


Pack data -


G_SHL (0.200000)

E1EDL37/E1EDL44 (0.99999) -


Item data -


G_SHL/HL (0.1) <====

i was doing different G_SHL for pack and items but that leaves me with a wrong structure, and with all the hierarchy data wrong for items (since the mapping can't see which item belong to his pack)

1º Pack

2º Pack

3º Pack

1º Item

2º Item

3º Item

- How can i map the structure Pack/item if in the idoc got too many item positions for only one EDI corresponding segment??

Thanks in advance!

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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We have the same tear, pack and item problem with one of our customer in one of my project. To acheive this result with the standard schema is not possible because this is a custom one.

So I would suggest to change the schema in BIC like the occurrence and within the third G_SHL you should have S_HL and within this you should have a S_HL so that for every pack you will have multipe items.

The bottom line is to have the schema as required by your mapping. Once you change the schema deploy the maps in J2EE and use them else it will throw an error in RWB.



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Is that the only way to deal with this issue and if that's true could u give me an example?

the problem is that even if i could do it, it will take time to upload and change all the BIC mappings 1:1 (you have to load them again for what im told), and we are at the testing instance, so im not sure if we can afford to delay all the testing for the other interfaces at this moment, besides that i have to be really sure on how to make that change

thanks for ur answer!

Edited by: Alanis Alexis on Feb 1, 2008 10:11 AM

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Already found an answer to my problem (i added a xml mapping where i change and collect all the data, before the edi mapping, and then i do the final mapping to the edi structure since i couldnt change the EDI 1:1)

0 Kudos

Hi Alexis,

would it be possible for you to share your solution (xml mapping and description where and how you implemented it)? This would be a great help because we are facing the same problem.

Thanks a lot!

Best Regards,
