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IDoc_AAE sender communication channel is not found

Active Contributor
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Hi Experts,

I configured a PI scenario and sent an IDoc message from an ERP system to the PI system. The message stucks in SM58 of the sender system. The PI NW Adminstrator Log Viewer shows the reason: "IDoc_AAE sender communication channel is not found" - but there is a IDoc_AAE sender channel for this Business System.

The ERP system was created by system copy - i guess this might be the deeper reason, but i cant find out what to change to get the IDoc communication working.

Thanks for you help,


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Hi Udo,


Please let us know if you have resolved this issue as we are facing the same issue in our PO 7.5 System. If yes, please share the actions you performed to resolve the same.

Error: IDoc_AAE sender communication channel is not found


PI Learner

0 Kudos
Hi, Did you get the soultion for this issue?