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ID configurations

Former Member
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Hi all

My scenario is messages are coming from three file systems through xi it is being sent to R/3 in IDoc format my question is how many sender agrements,receiver determinations, Interface Determinations should be created and in case of receiver determination what would be the sender service and sender interface ?

Thank u

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Hi Uday !

Please, can you explain better some details about these scenarios ?

All the files have the same structure ? The files are in different machines, or net directories ?

In this first moment, looking for what you wrote, I think that´s no need to use BPM, maybe you only need to create 3 Business Services at Integration Directory and configure one communication channel for each one, and use them to configure 3 interfaces, but please explain better your scenario, so I can help you better.

Best regards,


Former Member
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Hi all

I am getting files from three different systems and i am using BPM,

and receiver is only one idoc .and am not using integration scenario

my concern is in ID configurations,like what would be the sender service and interface in case of receiver/Interface determination/? do i need to create multiple receiver/Interface determination?

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thank u


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Best possible way is to use BPM.

Former Member
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HI udday,

Please check this link, /people/pooja.pandey/blog/2005/07/27/idocs-multiple-types-collection-in-bpm

it is three idocs to a single file. Some what similar to ur scenario. It is using BPM , please check this u may get some ideas.

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Could you tell whether the message from file system needs to be mapped to single IDOC or to three IDOCs?

Former Member
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Hi Uday,

you need not worry abt any configuartion in ID if you use integration Scenario.

Only requirement is that you have to import the business systems and create the communication channels.

This concept is very much useful in BPM scenarios where the configurations become complex.and i think your scenario will be configured using BPM

to know about Integration scenario in detail ...chk thislink

reward points if helpful..


Former Member
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Can you please explain about the deisgn of your scenario, I think you must be using BPM in this case .

I hope followinmg likns should be helpful for you :



File to Idoc (step by Step):

File to Multiple IDocs:


Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Uday,

I hope you better use BPM concept for this scenario.

Best Regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Udday,

1.Can u tell me how do u map the 3 file systems to the idoc format ?

2.Are u using an BPM ?