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I cannot create a program for ABAP in eclipse connecting to ABAP BTP Trial

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I have installed Eclipse and got a BTP Trial  then I have used Booster to create SAP ABAP Instance and to have a service Key , Then I have went to Eclipse and installed the ABAP ADT  After that I have created a new Package BUT the issue is : I cannot find a program in the List to Create a new Program under that package ?

So How can I resolve this issue , I need to see the Program in the list to create a new One ?

I am new to ABAP and all of that is to learn . Please Advise and help me !!!

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it is btp abap, no program.

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are there any workaround to run ABAP Program for free for learning Purpose only ?
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no, no program coding in btp, why you learn that?
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I am practicing ABAP for learning , and Learning to take first step for Working , and Working to live .. this is the Journey
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not what I mean. you can still learn abap syntax with that trial, why focusing on program. that is dead in cloud environment. you can practice using class, where you can use all the abap syntax