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I can't filter a table by the value taken from a ComboBox

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Hello community! First of all, thank you very much for reading me. I'm having a problem that is surely very simple but I can't find the reason for what is happening. I have a ComboBox like this:

    enabled="{= !${viewModel>/hasUIChanges}}"
        <core:Item key="{ID}" text="{DESCRIPCION}" />

 In the controller my filtering logic is as follows:

onSubmitFilter: function (oEvent) {
    const sValue = oEvent.getSource().getValue(); // Input value
    const sKey = oEvent.getSource().getSelectedKey(); // ComboBox value

    let oView = this.getView();
    let oModel = oView.getModel("filters");
    oModel.setProperty("/AuditoriaDescripcion", sValue);
    oModel.setProperty("/TiposDeAuditoria", sKey);

    // Filter logic
    let sAuditoria = oModel.getProperty("/AuditoriaDescripcion");
    let sTiposDeAuditoria = oModel.getProperty("/TiposDeAuditoria");
    let aFilters = [];

    if (sAuditoria) {
        aFilters.push(new Filter("DESCRIPCION", FilterOperator.Contains, sAuditoria));

    if (sTiposDeAuditoria) {
        aFilters.push(new Filter("TIPOAUDITORIA_ID", FilterOperator.EQ, sTiposDeAuditoria));


Filtering doesn't work, the "getSelectedKey()" method doesn't seem to bring me any value. I don't know what mistake I'm making. I'm sharing the "filters" model just in case:

_loadFilters: function () {
    const oViewModelFilters = new JSONModel({
        AuditoriaDescripcion: "",
        TiposDeAuditoria: ""

    this.getView().setModel(oViewModelFilters, "filters");

I appreciate the help, I need this to finish my view. Thanks!

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selectedKey="{filters>/TiposDeAuditoria}" are missing the / in the binding

2. get the selected key from model after you correct the binding, no need to get selectkey from ui control.


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Hi junwu! Thanks for your help, you were right. The code looks like this:

onSubmitFilter: function (oEvent) {
    const sValue = oEvent.getSource().getValue();
    const sKey = oEvent.getSource().getSelectedKey();

    console.log('sKey:' + sKey);

    let oView = this.getView();
    let oModel = oView.getModel("filters");
    oModel.setProperty("/AuditoriaDescripcion", sValue);
    oModel.setProperty("/TiposDeAuditoria", sKey);

    // Lógica de filtrado
    let sAuditoria = oModel.getProperty("/AuditoriaDescripcion");
    let sTiposDeAuditoria = oModel.getProperty("/TiposDeAuditoria");
    let aFilters = [];

    console.log('sTiposDeAuditoria:' + sTiposDeAuditoria);

    if (sAuditoria) {
        aFilters.push(new Filter("DESCRIPCION", FilterOperator.Contains, sAuditoria));

    if (sTiposDeAuditoria) {
        aFilters.push(new Filter("TIPOAUDITORIA_ID", FilterOperator.EQ, sTiposDeAuditoria));


 The "console.log" on line #5 correctly prints the value.
The "console.log" on line #17 only prints the value if I set the value on line #10, otherwise the filters model does not have the value. Do you realize why this happens to me?
Also, even though I have managed to set the value and used the "sTiposDeAuditoria" variable, the filtering on line #24 does not work for me, the table is shown like this:


I don't understand what's happening

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1. check what the http request is sending to server. 2. is your odata service able to do filtering?