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I can not find "SQL Anywhere OLE DB Provider 12"

Former Member

Hello I use SqlAnywhere 12 with Delphi 2010. The connection to the Database is with ODBC ADO.

I have migrated my project to Windows 10 64Bit and creating an ODBC ConnectionString with the TADOConnection Component. My problem is that I can not find "SQL Anywhere OLE DB Provider 12"

How can i solve this problem?

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Former Member

Hello He was on vacation and could not answer. It seems that I could not explain myself.   I have installed Sql Anywhere 12/64 Bit on a PC with Windows 10/64 bit and I have Created an odbc

In a Windows 32 bit environment you can create a connection to SQL Anywhere OLE DB Provider 12. Lately in my PC 64 Bit is not found OLE DB Provider 12.

Is that normal or maybe I need some trieber on my PC? Espero que puedan decifrar mi Google english.

Thanks for the help.

0 Kudos

So are these according files contained in the \\bin32 and/or \\bin64 subfolders of your SA 12 install?

  • dboledb12.dll
  • dboledba12.dll

I don't know whether your Delphi project requires a 32-bit or 64-bit OLE DB driver - but you should make sure the according one is installed and registered accordingly, as Nick has pointed out. If you have both 32-bit and 64-bit drivers installed, note to make sure that you register both within their subfolder.