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How to validate and create Orders through an Excel file in RAP based Fiori Application

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  1. Add File Uploader Dialog Box by clicking the button ( Global action or on table control).
  2. Validate and create Orders using the data from Excel.


  1. How can I validate the data inside the Excel File? ( I already have methods for all validations in my behavior class ).
  2. Is it possible to trigger those methods from VS Code( controller.js )?
  3. Where should I create the action button from RAP(using annotation) or VS Code using a custom action extension?
  4. Once the Excel file is uploaded how can I trigger the create method from my behavior class implementation?
  5. Which Approach should I choose for now I'm using Managed.
  6. DarshanAsknani_0-1722853989819.png


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you don't have to call those methods.

when you create BO instance, those method will be called automatically.

you can trigger bo instance creation, either at backend or frontend.

if you do it at backend, just use "modify create" eml

if you do it at frontend, you have to know how to trigger entity creation from ui5 coding.