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How to use script to config Crystal Reports 2020 Report Application Server on SAP BI 4.3 server

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I can not find any document about how to use cmd script to config and add customer ipport and reportdirectory on CrystalReports2020ReportApplicationServer item page.

Does anyone know how I can use script to config and add ipport and reportdirectory items?


Server Name: test.CrystalReports2020ReportApplicationServer


Description: Crystal Reports 2020 Report Application Server

Command Line Parameters -loggingPath "C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP BusinessObjects/SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0/logging/" -ipport 8888 -reportdiretory c:\test

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the "Command Line Args" are located in the CMS repository (DB)

You can use "BusinessObjects Query Builder" to view it


SELECT * FROM CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS WHERE SI_KIND='SERVER' and SI_NAME LIKE '%CrystalReports2020ReportApplicationServer%'

You can find it under (SI_CONFIGURED_CONTAINERS ---> SI_EXEC ----> SI_ARGS)

0 Kudos

Thanks. It seems can update custom command line into item(CrystalReports2020ReportApplicationServer) successfully. I also want to change "Crystal Reports 2020 Viewing and Modification Service->Number of database records to read when previewing or refreshing a report (-1 for unlimited):" from default value to -1 value. Does any SQL command and script can provide for me.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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Thanks. Can you copy the command here as I have no permission to read this link.

Active Contributor
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Sorry, you should read it from the SAP Knowledge Base

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Thanks. May I know the Command line argument (Command Line Parameters -loggingPath "C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP BusinessObjects/SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0/logging/" -ipport 8888 -reportdiretory c:\test) is saved on database or config file such as xml file.