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How to use Rank

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I have a table pedigree with the columns Animal, Father, Mother, Birthdate.

All records are retrieved ordered on birthdate. Now I would like to know

  • the rank number of the animal.

  • the rank number where animal = father

  • the rank number where animal = mother

So the SQL should look something like

select Animal, Father, Mother, 
       rank() over (order by birthDate desc),
       rank() where animal = father over (order by birthDate desc),
       rank() where animal = mother over (order by birthDate desc)
from pedigree
order by birthDate asc;

Can someone give me a hint to get a correct SQL statement.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Assuming you want to retrieve the age rank of Animal, Father and Mother, I guess you'll have to materialize the complete ranking of all animals since any restriction defines the population upon which the rank is calculated. in the next step, you can join this materialization against the pedigree table once for the animal and once for each parent.

Assuming Animal is PK and CHAR (40):

declare local temporary table ltAgeRank (Animal char (40) not null primary key, rk unsigned int not null) not transactional;

delete from ltAgeRank;

insert into ltAgeRank select "Animal", rank () over (order by "Birthdate" desc) from "pedigree";

-- select * from ltAgeRank;

select p."Animal", p."Father", p."Mother", p."Birthdate", rank () over (order by p."Birthdate" desc), a.rk ark, f.rk frk, m.rk mrk from "pedigree" p join ltAgeRank a on p."Animal" = a."Animal" left join ltAgeRank f on p."Father" = f."Animal" left join ltAgeRank m on p."Mother" = m."Animal" order by birthdate asc;

it might also work for a table expression instead of the LT table.


Volker Stöffler DB-TecKnowledgy

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