on 2011 Feb 23 9:26 PM
Hello All,
We are currently residing on SAP NetWeaver 2004s and want I want to upgrade the ABAP stack to EHP1 for Netweaver 7.0.
I have never used the ehpi tool before and I am rather confused reading all the documents.
S/W I have downloaded :
1) SAP EHP INSTALLER 7.10 (SAPehpi_33-10007378.SAR0) file and also
2) SAP EHP1 FOR SAP NETWEAVER 7.0 --> " Entry by Component --> Application Server ABAP -->
Application Server ABAP (All the PI_BASIS 7.01 ,SAP ABA 7.01 ,SAP BASIS 7.01, SAP BW 7.01, SAP IGS 7.00, and SAP KERNEL 7.01 64-BIT UNICODE)
My Question is :
1) How do I use the SAPehpi tool to upgrade to EP1 netweaver 7.0?
Please don't get me wrong because I am asking how to do it. I have read a few intalltion guides but I don't think i got the correct document.
Could someone please point me to the right documentation? and also the overall process of doing it.
Request clarification before answering.
Dear Siri,
In addition i would also suggest you to check the following documents too at the service marketplace:
1. Installation Guide SAP Enhancement Package Installation
2. Upgrade Guide - SAP NetWeaver 7.0 including Enhancement Package 1 Support Release 1
and check that you have done all the pre-requisites.
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Thanks for your replies.
I did download the guide and now I am a bit confused.
Do I have to place all the support stacks (including the kernel files, .SAR files, .SCA files) I downloaded in the /upg directory?
Or do I have to uncar them and place them in /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in directory? (This is how we typically do for support stacks using SPAM or SAINT)
This is the overall upgrade process I understood from reading the document.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
1) Create an /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/upg/ehp directory.
Put all the files and software packages that you want to include in the upgrade in a download directory? (What are these files?)
2) Uncar the latest SAPehpi SAR file to the /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/upg directory
3) Download and place the latest jaya cryptographic file jce_policy-1_5_0.zip in the /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/ugp diretory
4) Go to the new created directory/EHPI and run the jce policy
STARTUP jce_policy_zip=/usr/sap/<SAPSID>/upg/jce_policy-1_5_0.zip
5) Open a new window as user <sapsid>adm , go to the new created directory /EHPI/sdt/exe and run the script
Dear Siri,
Kindly note that all downloaded support packages which are to be integrated with update; have to be uncared into the /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in directory, similarly as you for SPAM/SAINT support package upgrade.
During the BIND_PATCH phase these packages would be uploaded by the EHPI tool from the /EPS/in location.
And regarding the point 1 raised by you it refers to other softwares/support packages which you would like to include like latest SAPup fix, FixArchive etc.
Best Regards,
Your ECC is ABAP or ABAP + JAVA?
1) Create an /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/upg/ehp directory.
Put all the files and software packages that you want to include in the upgrade in a download directory? (What are these files?)
Put all download files in download directory. Include the kernel and spam files.
.SCA, .SAR, SAPEXE.SAR, SAPEXEDB.SAR etc. The EHPI uncar automatically the files in EPSINBOS (EPS/IN)
2) Uncar the latest SAPehpi SAR file to the /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/upg directory
the EHPI.SAR contain the all files for installation, uncar in the path
3) Download and place the latest jaya cryptographic file jce_policy-1_5_0.zip in the /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/ugp diretory
Search the JAVA Cryptographic file according to your operating system.
This step is only for system ABAP + JAVA
4) Go to the new created directory/EHPI and run the jce policy
STARTUP jce_policy_zip=/usr/sap/<SAPSID>/upg/jce_policy-1_5_0.zip
This command start EHPI.
5) Open a new window as user <sapsid>adm , go to the new created directory /EHPI/sdt/exe and run the script
This is EHPInstaller.
William Neira
Our is a ABAP+JAVA stack
Current component version - "SAP NetWeaver 2004s"
Oracle Version -
I want to upgrade to SAP EHP1 FOR SAP NETWEAVER 7.0.
So, I don' have to uncar any of the files, just place all the .SCA, .SAR, SAPEXE.SAR, SAPEXEDB.SAR in the upgrade directory...
Now I am doubtful if I even downloaded the correct files.
I got Support Packages and Patches -->SAP EHP1 FOR SAP NETWEAVER 7.0 --> u201CEntry by Component --> Application Server ABAP --> Application Server ABAP (All the PI_BASIS 7.01 , SAP ABA 7.01 ,SAP BASIS 7.01, SAP BW 7.01, SAP IGS 7.00, and SAP KERNEL 7.01 64-BIT UNICODE)
Are these the correct files or do I have to get these?
SAP Software Download Center >Upgrade>SAP EHP1 FOR SAP NETWEAVER 7.0 -> AIX -> ORACLE (NW 7.0 EHP1 SR1 Upgrade Export 1 to 4 ,ORACLE RDBMS 10.2 AIX 1 to 6 ,PIBASIS PI_BASIS 701 Upgrade , SAP_ABA 701 upgrade etc)
Can someone please point me in the right direction, I am not sure I downloaded the correct s/w.
Please give me the link to the correct files. Sorry for being a drag..
I got Support Packages and Patches -->SAP EHP1 FOR SAP NETWEAVER 7.0 --> u201CEntry by Component --> Application Server ABAP --> Application Server ABAP (All the PI_BASIS 7.01 , SAP ABA 7.01 ,SAP BASIS 7.01, SAP BW 7.01, SAP IGS 7.00, and SAP KERNEL 7.01 64-BIT UNICODE)
Is ok, but you must to use Mantienance Optimazer from Solution Manager for download this packages. The mantienance optimazer is used for download packages and generate XML file, this XML is used by EHPI in installation, this contain the information of your update.
Are these the correct files or do I have to get these?
SAP Software Download Center >Upgrade>SAP EHP1 FOR SAP NETWEAVER 7.0 -> AIX -> ORACLE (NW 7.0 EHP1 SR1 Upgrade Export 1 to 4 ,ORACLE RDBMS 10.2 AIX 1 to 6 ,PIBASIS PI_BASIS 701 Upgrade , SAP_ABA 701 upgrade etc)
You dont need these packages.
William Neira
I get this error message as soon as I start runnign the DSUGui
Error while connecting to communication partner
Connection from host cgunx231 to local port 62688 has been directly closed.
Host : CGUNX231 (This is my host name)
Port : 3901
It doesn't take my port number.
Is there a way I can log in directly , without this ? Or what do I have to type in here to get past this?
Try with EHPI GUI for browser:
If not check that ports is open in some firewall and check that service EHPI is up at operating system level.
William Neira
Hello William,
I still can't connect to the server
I tried different ways:
1. I changed the host name as cgunx231 and left the default port as "4241" . I also had the 4241 port added in the services files, but that didn't work.
2. I tried the port as 3901 which is our message server port gives me this error:
Connection from host cgunx231 to local port 44345 has been directly closed.
3. I also tried the EHPI gui for the browser, making sure the EHPI is up at os level
and the error says "The device or resource (cgunx231) is not set up to accept connections on port "4239"."
Also, I tried to start the jce_policy_zip and I get this error today. I was able to start it successfully yesterday.
I searched for any existing process runnign but nothing is running.
cgunx231:nwdadm 78> STARTUP jce_policy_zip=/usr/sap/NWD/upg/jce_policy-1_5_0.zip
Checking if C++ runtime is installed ...*
Starting from /usr/sap/NWD/upg/EHPI/sdt...*
Checking username "nwdadm" for compliance...*
*Feb 25, 2011 10:33:56 AM [Info]: **************************
Feb 25, 2011 10:33:56 AM [Info]: Starting Server
Feb 25, 2011 10:33:56 AM [Info]: Reading server configuration.
Feb 25, 2011 10:33:57 AM [Error]: The parameter jce_policy_zip in externally supplied configuration is invalid.
Feb 25, 2011 10:33:57 AM [Fatal]: Error during controller startup.
Feb 25, 2011 10:33:57 AM [Fatal]: SL Controller exiting.
Please help!
Feb 25, 2011 10:33:57 AM Error: The parameter jce_policy_zip in externally supplied configuration is invalid.
Check your java cryptographic file is according to your OS.
Please tell me your OS and DB.
1. SAPCAR 'u2013 xvf /usr/sap/trans/ehpi.SAR -R /usr/sap/<SID>'
2. put jce_policy-1_5_0.zip in /usr/sap/<SID>/EHPI/
3. run command STARTUP jce_policy_zip=/usr/sap/<SID>/EHPI/jce_policy-1_5_0.zip
Please paste in thread the result.
William Neira
Our OS AIX Version 6.1
DB: Oracle
SAP: SAP NetWeaver 2004s
From what you said , I think I own what happened.
Yesterday , I got the wrong EHPI intaller version 7.10 . But that worked with my cryptograhpic file "jce_policy-1_5_0.zip".
But since I go the wrong installer version , i downloaded EHP 7.0 again and since then my cryptographic file didnt work.
So, now I downloaded "SAP Java Cryptography Extension Jurisdiction Policy" -90000125.ZIP from SAP and it still gives the same message.
cgunx231:nwdadm 103> STARTUP jce_policy_zip=/usr/sap/NWD/upg/EHPI/90000125.ZIP
Checking if C++ runtime is installed ...*
Starting from /usr/sap/NWD/upg/EHPI/sdt...*
Checking username "nwdadm" for compliance...*
*Feb 25, 2011 12:23:24 PM [Info]: **************************
Feb 25, 2011 12:23:24 PM [Info]: Starting Server
Feb 25, 2011 12:23:24 PM [Info]: Reading server configuration.
Feb 25, 2011 12:23:26 PM [Error]: The parameter jce_policy_zip in externally supplied configuration is invalid.
Feb 25, 2011 12:23:26 PM [Fatal]: Error during controller startup.
Feb 25, 2011 12:23:26 PM [Fatal]: SL Controller exiting.
Tried it with both the cryptographci files jce_policy-1_5_0.zip" , same error.
That's what I have been trying , same error message;
cgunx231:nwdadm 107> ./STARTUP jce_policy_zip=/usr/sap/NWD/upg/EHPI/90000125.ZIP
Checking if C++ runtime is installed ...*
Starting from /usr/sap/NWD/upg/EHPI/sdt...*
Checking username "nwdadm" for compliance...*
*Feb 25, 2011 2:28:49 PM [Info]: **************************
Feb 25, 2011 2:28:49 PM [Info]: Starting Server
Feb 25, 2011 2:28:49 PM [Info]: Reading server configuration.
Feb 25, 2011 2:28:51 PM [Error]: The parameter jce_policy_zip in externally supplied configuration is invalid.
Feb 25, 2011 2:28:51 PM [Fatal]: Error during controller startup.
Feb 25, 2011 2:28:51 PM [Fatal]: SL Controller exiting.
Did I get the wrong version of jce_policy?
I was able to open the Web Gui, by running the ./DSUService and I manage to get the initial page.
The document does not say that you have to run teh DSUService script for opening hte intaller through the browser , and the DSUGui for the frontend gui.
. When clicking on the EHP Installer link, it opens up Java 6 and I then get the following message:
Error: Unable to load resource: http://cgunx231:4239/sdtdsu.jnlp
com.sun.deploy.net.FailedDownloadException: Unable to load resource: http://cgunx231:4239/sdtdsu.jnlp
at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.actionDownload(Unknown Source)
I think SAPEHPI is supprted with Java 5 (1.5) only !
How do I deinstall 6 and install 5?
Java Verison on my host;
cgunx231:nwdadm 11> java -version
java version "1.4.2"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 2.3)
IBM J9 VM (build 2.3, J2RE 1.4.2 IBM J9 2.3 AIX ppc64-64 j9ap64142ifx-20100615 (JIT enabled)
J9VM - 20100610_59470_BHdSMr
JIT - 20090210_1447ifx2_r8
GC - 200902_24)
Edited by: Siri Nemani on Feb 25, 2011 9:31 PM
Dear Siri,
Kindly note that the command of starting up of SAPEHPi has changed with latest SAP EHPi
version available at the service marketplace. Now, you no more need to provide for jce policy file.
To start the installation program, enter the command
/<installation directory>/STARTUP
Please note to always start the installation program from within the
directory, where it is placed.
Please refer Installation Guide
"SAP Enhancement Package Installation
Using SAP Enhancement Package Installer (SAPehpi) 7.00".
Please make sure that you are using latest version of SAP EHPi tool
and have included latest fix archives.
Best Regards,
I was able to open the gui through the browser.
cd /usr/sap/NWD/upg/EHPI/sdt/exe
and open this script,
Then open IE "http://cgunx231:4239/" .
I also had to install jdk 1_5_0 22 on my computer as EHPI only works on this version.
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Dear Siri, Try downloading the installation guide form service maket place for SAP EHP 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0. It will give you step by step approach to use EHPi tool starting from creating download directory and installtion directory and later how to use EHPi SAR file to start EHPi tool hope it helps you.
Regards, Amber S
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You can find the documentation in:
In left panel: SAP Netweaver -> SAP Netweaver 7.0 (2004s) -> Upgrade
Check the guides:
Upgrade Master Guide
Media List for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 EHP1 SR1
Upgrade Guide - SAP NetWeaver 7.0 including Enhancement Package 1 Support Release 1
William Neira
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