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How to use a filter on the access control for a form?

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Hi IdM Experts!

I tried to set up a filter in version 8 on a form's access control tab to limit which users can be selected. It is required that only users which are not disabled (MX_Disable <> 1) can be selected for the task. Unfortunately the filter does not seem to work, and even if I create the SQL statement myself it is not any better. If the filter (or SQL statement) is applied I cannot select any user, not even those which would be allowed.

Has anyone experienced the same thing?

Thanks for any help in advance!


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@Zoltan & @ Deva,

you guys use a lot of joins and views (e.g. vallink for a normal attribute) with too much info. And it looks like you never came across "not in".

select mcmskey as mskey from idmv_entry_simple with (nolock) where mcentrytype = 'MX_PERSON'
and mcmskey not in (select mskey from idmv_value_basic with (nolock) where attrname = 'MX_DISABLED')


The needed query does not seem too complicated to me. Or am I missing something?




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Hi Steffi,

that solved it. I don't know why but your query gets accepted by the filter and my previous one was not. Maybe it can't interpret joins?

Anyhow thank you for your help!

Kind regards,


Active Contributor
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You're welcome. 🙂

Try to create the simplest query possible. The access control is a bit sensitive, not everything works, that should work. It's the same with IDM 7.2 (which we use).




PS: If you don't reply to my post, I won't get an info, that there is a reply. ^^ So I changed your answer to a comment on my answer.