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How to set up partition for PCL2 table

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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It is known that it is possible to replicate INDX-like table to HANA starting from DMIS SP11.

The screen shot below shows the setting for PCL2 table.

It has deviating table names which are created in HANA after replication.

Here is the question. Some of the tables are really big and requires to partition the table.

Let's say the table B2_ANWES needs to be partitioned.

How can it be set up in SLT to partition the table B2_ANWES?

Should B2_ANWES be created in LTRS or PCL2?

B2 is the RELID and ANWES is a component under B2 so the deviating name is set as B2_ANWES and this table is created in HANA.

How can we handle this kind of situation when we replicate INDX-like table such as PCL2?

Is there any documentation?


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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For the partitioning, enter the partition command into the table IUUC_REPL_TABSTG for the component (the deviating table, B2_ZES in this cae) as below picture.

This table should be maintained before the replication starts.