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How to send data using the post message via Bapi wrapper (Create) ?

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Hi everyone?

I'm trying to implement the scenario which is creating Sale Order.

So, I made a date object (upload only) then create BAPI wrapper (Create).

One thing you should remind is... we didn't use standard (WD4J).

We have the custom client made by .NET so, we need to use the API which is called

'MMW_POST_MESSAGES' to send the data. It's contained the parameter data for creating

Sales Order...

Does anybody know how to send the data follwing XML format ?

This one is one example for updating the instance in CDS table.

'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'

'<Msg type="T" id="246" mod_usr="DVTEST03">'

'<TEST_ORD_DO ty="U" tv="0123456789012345678901234567890ML" C0="123456789012345678901234567890AB" C1="00000000000000002" C2="test" />'


Thank you

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Former Member
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Hi ,

The message structure mentioned in your post will become the value for the import parameter IN_MESSAGE_DETAILS for this RFC enabled FM 'MMW_POST_MESSAGES' .

These RFC enabled Function Modules can be accessed by external client application via RFC or HTTP(s) protocols. The recommended approach is to implement a HTTP Handler in an ICF service. The HTTP Handler then delegates the HTTP(s) requests from the receiver to the Sync Layer RFC APIs.

Incase of accessing via RFCs , I guess there exists SAP .NET Connector that enables communication between the . NET platform and SAP systems.

Was your question more on how to create such an XML data and pass it to this FM from .Net environment?



Former Member
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As liji mentioned you can access the RFC 'MMW_POST_MESSAGES' using ICF service or using SAP .NET Connector.

before accessing RFC 'MMW_POST_MESSAGES' you have to access the RFC 'MMW_LOGIN' to retrive the session id which is an import parameter for 'MMW_POST_MESSAGES' and you need to end the session by calling 'MMW_LOGOUT' by providing the session id.

To do these above you need a logical device created in the DOE and should be registered with your application.



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Liji, Joseph > have you already created your own SAP NW Mobile 7.1 client? If you have, for which device and how long did it take to implement the server and the client side? Do you know if there's some documentation available on the subject (except the document mentioned in a previous post)?



Former Member
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You can use the sap message generator.

in sdoe_wb, select your Data Object utilities->Message Generator



Former Member
0 Kudos

Have you seen this document?: [;jsessionid=(J2EE3417200)ID1029765350DB01462527595757874781End?blog=/pub/wlg/13465]

The details are there in section 5.7 of the PDF linked there.


EDIT: I just realized.. what I posted above was the link to the blog post. The actual link to the document is: []. And you'll also find details of where to pass the XML in section 5.7.1

Edited by: Arjun Shankar on Sep 8, 2009 12:45 PM