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How to run SAPUI5 app deployed on BTP (SCP) in On-Premise Fiori launchpad in same tab?

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Hello Fiori experts,

We have a SAPUI5/HTML5 app which is deployed on BTP (earlier called SAP Cloud Platform or SCP) Cloud Foundry environment. We would like to run this app inside our S/4HANA On-Premise Fiori launchpad without opening a new tab. But we are facing difficulties in achieving this.

We tried customizing the fiori tile/target mapping as URL with url of this app but when we click on tile, the app always open in a new tab. Did anyone faced this issue or have some suggestions on how to solve this?

Best regards,

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Hey there,

I assume you are configuring the URL for your Target mapping with BTP hostname. Since this is different from the one of your local Fiori Launchpad it will cause the redirect.

For your desired approach, you would need to set up a SAP WebDispatcher (or any other kind of Reverse Proxy) to redirect URLs. So basically what the reverse proxy does, is to decide to which system the request should be redirected.

I would configure the Proxy per default to route to the on-premise system. For dedicated URLs it would need to route the requests into the BTP.

For on-prem Fiori App URL: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/<APP> --> on-prem System
For BTP Fiori Apps: /cloud/<APP> --> BTP Cloud

(Keep in mind to configure the OData Services within the proxy as well)

Additionally you also need to take care about SSO set up with WebDispatcher, on-prem system and BTP to make everything work.

I know this is just a rough explanation but should do the job.

Best regards

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Thank you sandro.kuckert , I tried using this but facing some roadblocks explained below.

I found this nice blog which is handling a similar use-case:

Similar to Step 1 of blog:

wdisp/system_0 = SID=CAP, EXTSRV=, SRCURL=/report

I am providing routing rule to SCP/BTP app in WD as,

wdisp/system_0 = SID=BTP, EXTSRV=, SRCURL=/report

But this path is giving syntax error and instance is not starting. If I only give the value below (till <.com>)


then instance starts.

Also, similar to Step 3 of blog:

cf create-domain 4dy173b3trial

When I write the same command in BAS terminal:

cf create-domain <Tenant ID of BTP Cloud Found subaccount (see attachment)>

I get error "Organization <Tenant ID> not found" (see attachment)

After this, I am unable to proceed.

In my case, instead of a CAP app, I have a UI5 MTA app, similar to described here:

Can you please suggest what might be going wrong?

Best regards,


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Hey Ankur,

following the blog post which you have shared, this config should be valid

wdisp/system_0 = SID=BTP, EXTSRV=, SRCURL=/report

In addition, you need to configure the correct rewrite URL

/report --> /testdeploybtp.demodemoapp-1.0.0

For the WebDispatcher side, I would recommend using a pattern like

/cloud/app1 --> /BTP_Path_to_app1
/cloud/app2 --> /BTP_Path_to_app2

The WebDispatcher Setup is not different for CAP or UI5 apps. You have a BTP Hostname + Path which you want to hide behind the WebDispatcher.

Best regards