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How to register tensorflow JS into MTA

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi all,

Im not a developer but trying to learn the hard way! Im trying to write an MTA application that uses TensorflowJS but how do I register the module ???

Im using business application studio and executed npm install @tensorflow/tfjs @tensorflow-models/handpose and it has downloaded the modules into the node_modules folder and added them as dependencies in my package.json file.

I added the following code to my Component.js file

 jQuery.myUniqueNamespace = { registerExternalLib: function(oShim) { if (sap.ui.loader && sap.ui.loader.config) { // official API since 1.56 sap.ui.loader.config({ shim: oShim }); } else { // internal API before 1.56; } }}; 
jQuery.myUniqueNamespace.registerExternalLib({ "sap/custom/plugins/gesturecontrol/node_modules/@tensorflow/tfjs/dist/tf": { "amd": true, "export": "tf" }});
jQuery.myUniqueNamespace.registerExternalLib({ "sap/custom/plugins/gesturecontrol/node_modules/@tensorflow-models/handpose/dist/handpose": { "amd": true, "export": "handpose" }});

I also added the following in my controller

sap.ui.define([ '', "sap/dm/dme/podfoundation/controller/PluginViewController", "sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel", "sap/custom/plugins/gesturecontrol/node_modules/@tensorflow/tfjs/dist/tf", "sap/custom/plugins/gesturecontrol/node_modules/@tensorflow-models/handpose/dist/handpose"], function (jQuery, PluginViewController, JSONModel, tf, handpose) { "use strict";
sap.ui.define([ '', "sap/dm/dme/podfoundation/controller/PluginViewController", "sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel", "sap/custom/plugins/gesturecontrol/node_modules/@tensorflow/tfjs/dist/tf", "sap/custom/plugins/gesturecontrol/node_modules/@tensorflow-models/handpose/dist/handpose"], function (jQuery, PluginViewController, JSONModel, tf, handpose) { "use strict";

When I test the code it throws a not found error

Uncaught (in promise) Error: failed to load 'sap/custom/plugins/gesturecontrol/node_modules/@tensorflow/tfjs/dist/tf.js'

Am i referencing the file location properly ? should I be loading it in a different way ?

I successfully built the app in a standalone ui5 app where I load the library in the index.html file with

<code><script src=""></script>

but since the MTA app doesnt have an index.html file Im lost.

Any help is gratefully received.



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Active Contributor
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You have to copy tensorflow js into your ui5 app like in this example

Kr, Wouter

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

I tried using this method and it doesnt appear to work.

If i look at the source files in chrome tools I can see tensorflow now which I couldn't before

I have added this code:

I have a button on my GUI that calls a startVideo function

  startVideo: async function(){
var that=this
const model = await handpose.load();
setInterval(() => {that.findHand(model);},50);

however this throws an error as handpose is undefined.

This is exactly the same was I do it in my working standalone UI5 app .

Do I need to declare handpose somehow ??



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Kevin, this is normal in ui5. You have to give it another name in the define like handposelib and then use handpose in your code.

kr, Wouter

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Thanks Wouter,

I gave it a try and it didn't make any difference , I still get the not defined error.

], function (jQuery, PluginViewController, JSONModel, tf_lib, handpose_lib) {
"use strict";

