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How to perform Validations before a custom Action with a dialog in RAP?


Hello Experts,

We have implemented a custom action having a dialog for entering some comments. For the dialog we use a abstract entity as described in ABAP RAP : Enabling custom actions with a dialog for additional input fields | SAP Blogs.

Now we have an additional requirement to perform some validations before executing the action. That means, when the user presses the button, we would like to check if everything has been filled out correctly and only if the data are correct, we then show the dialog.

Our problem is mainly the time for the checks. In the action implementation the pop up has already been processed, so it is to late to trigger the checks here. Using PRECHECK in the behavior definition also doesn't help, because the corresponding method is executed after the dialog.

Also, we do not want to use the feature control, because we would like to give feedback, why the action is not possible.

Are there any possibilities to perforn the chekcs before the dialog is shown?

Thanks in advance

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Same here... How can I custom validate my input fields?