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How to Obtain Objects from other Systems / Repair damaged ones?

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i have the Problem that a SUM run stops with an error, that is triggered by an broken or corrupted RASUVAR1.

The proposed solution is to put all affected Objects (SAPLASU5, LASU5U01, FASU_HANDLE_REPORT_RFC, FASU_START, FASU_FINISH) into a transport and import it into the problematic System.

The biggest Problem i have is, that this requires a System on the same release Level as my System has when starting the SUM (1909 SP01), that is the "organ Donor" if you will

would there be other solutions in order to Repair Broken objects, that do not require other Systems to do so?

and even if i had a System, how would i proceed? Create a transport, put all the Objects in, release it and then Copy the Co and Data files from one System to another?

Thank you very much for your Support!


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Former Member
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Hello Alessandro,

The "donor" system would have to be the same Release and SP level of the broken system or inconsistencies could occur. In the donor system make a Transport of Copies (TOC).

If version management is enabled for the broken system, and the previous version is of the same Release and SP Level, it could be that the previous versions are retrieved.

0 Kudos

Hello David,

Thank you for your answer! We needed several tries to find the right object to put in the transport, yet in the end it worked.

How one would get the Object without having a System in the right Version is beyond me, but still, thank you very much!
