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How to move a sap note from Test system (note implemented by SP) to Prod system(SP lower level)


Hello SAP guys

In our ECC landscape the test systems (Dev and QA) have the same SP level, but the Prod system has a SP levels lower than them, in 3 weeks we'll update SPs of Prod system and so whole ECC landscape will be the same SP levels, all this as part of a planning activity.

The problem we're facing is in Prod system some standard business operation is triggering dumps, those issues can be cleared by a SAP note, but I can't download it from SNOTE in Dev system because these solution is part of a Support Package higher than Prod system.

Directly in Prod system directly I can't to download the SAP note 'cause the client is closed by IT compliance rules

Is there some way to move code/note needed only to Prod system?

Erick Verbena


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If you cannot wait, then what Reagan suggests is your best course. However, I would modify it slightly, as follows:

  1. Make a copy of PRD to a sandbox system.
  2. Apply the Note in the sandbox system and release the transport.
  3. Manually forward the transport to PRD and import it there.
  4. Apply the SPs, with your SPDD/SPAU transports from DEV, to the sandbox system and make careful notes of any manual SPDD/SPAU activities you have to perform which are different from what you did in DEV (because now PRD is different from your DEV/QAS systems, so your SPDD/SPAU transports will no longer cover all changes).
  5. When you apply the SPs to PRD in a few weeks, repeat the SPDD/SPAU activities you performed in the sandbox