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How to import custom extractors into CPI - DS


Hi Experts,

I want to integrate BOM data from S4 to IBP using Cloud Platform integration (CPI - DS) . As there is no standard template available for this, I have created custom extractor using function module. How can I import this extractor into CPI so that I can se it as a data store at source system?

Help will be much appreciated.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

CPI-DS accesses extractors through the ODP framework, so your extractor must be made available to ODP. For this, you can expose the extractor with se38 -> RODPS_OS_EXPOSE. After exposing with that program, you should be able to find your extractor in table ROOSATTR with an 'x', indicating the extractor is released and exposed. Another test is (after RODPS_OS_EXPOSE)
se38 -> RODPS_REPL_ODP_GET_DETAIL, which is the exact function used by CPI-DS to import extractor metadata for standard extractors.

Jeff K

0 Kudos

Thank you Jeff.

Active Participant
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Hello jeff,

Do standard extractors come default in the ECC or is there any specific SAP note or service pack need to be installed to enable it?

In case of any custom logic, is there any documentation to guide the ECC team to create custom extractors and expose extractors ?

with regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

This SAP note is probably the best place to start:

ECC systems of a sufficient version will have many (potentially thousands, depending on which modules are installed) standard extractors that can be utilized with no customizing.

As for custom logic I am not really the person to ask, possibly the ODP section of the community or SAP Help documentation would hold the answers you seek. Generally the standard extractors are sufficient for customers needs in my experience.

Active Contributor
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Hi Anil,

I am not sure about the custom extractors importing process in CPI-DS. But as 1902 release time series planning data also can be transferred to IBP.

The following master data can be transferred to IBP time-series-based planning areas using CPI-DS:

  • Locations
  • Products
  • Resources
  • Location materials
  • Resource locations
  • Production Data Structures

This is done by providing extractors, which read data from the replication tables mentioned above. These extractors in turn are called by CPI-DS to select data from SAP ERP in order to transfer them to the IBP system.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Thank you Lingaiah.