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How to get search filter option in webi

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Hi ,

I am trying to create a report in Webi where the end user wants a filter on Material Description. He wants a search filter on the object inside the report. He doesn’t wants to type the complete name. He wants to type the name and the available data gets filtered accordingly based on what he types. He has used some different tool to generate this report.

Please refer to the screen shot below:

I am trying to filter using the entry field in the input control but cannot find the search option. Just wanted to confirm whether this is possible in Webi.

Thanks and regards,

Amiya Dutta.

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All I could think of is:

1. Create a variable [vSearch] =" " or just select [ItemDescription] from DB.

2. Create Input Control on [vSearch] variable (Select Entry Field, Single Value and Not Equal to). You can change the Input Control Label to "Item Description"

3. Now get the result of the search [vSearchfilter] = Reportfilter([vSearchfilter])

4. Create another variable [vItemsearch]

="*"+Substr(ReportFilterSummary(ReportName()) ; Pos(ReportFilterSummary(ReportName());"Not Equal")+10 ; 10000) +"*"

5. Now create another variable [FilterItem] to show/hide values for Block/Report filters

=If Match([ItemDescription] ; [vSearchfilter]) Then "Show" Else "Hide"

Finally, apply filter on block using [FilterItem] = Show

Hope this helps.



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Hi Jothi,

Thanks for your prompt reply. Please could you explain the 3rd point in detail I am getting bit confused whether to create another variable.

3. Now get the result of the search [vSearchfilter] = Reportfilter([vSearchfilter])


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[vSearchfilter] = Reportfilter([vSearchfilter]); this formula displays the value of filter

Reportfilter() is similar to Userresponse() function which captures and displays prompt values.



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have a look into this blog, this might help you: