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How to get refused Conditions as an export parameter

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Hi *,

i am looking for a function which delivers me the "reason" why no entry was selected in a decision table.

In detail i have a decision table with two conditon and one result column. This table is used to check if a special status (result column) is valid or not. The conditions are the actual status on the one side and the contents of several other input parameters on the other side. If only the first conditon is true but the second one not i need to tell the user which input parameters have invalid content. To tell him that the new status can not be set will not help him to continue.

Does anyone solved this question already or tried to find it? I am thankfull for any hint on my problem.

Kind regards


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We have recently improved the lean trace greatly. Now, you do not need to deal with XML data but can directly extract the relevant information. To do so you need >= NW 7.4 SP5 or >= NW 7.31 SP9 and maybe 2-3 notes when starting with SP5/SP9.