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How to get Iview Quick link displayed in a headless window

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I set the quick link for a iview, the iview has the Launch in new windows property set to 'Launch in a separated headless portal window', However when I run this iview's quick link URL, it always open in a portal content area with all the header and navigation bar beside. How can do to have the quick link open in a headerless windows. Thanks.

Cecilia Huang

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seems this is still not solved, even in 7.4 portal.

Maybe some other Portal Admins out there have an idea?

Everyone can reproduce the issue like this:

  1. Make an URL iview pointing to
  2. Set Quicklink to  google  ( so it will be /irj/portal/google  )
  3. Set Launch in new window: "Open in separate window".
  4. Add the iView to a role you have.


  1. Call the iview from the navigation inside portal. Effekt: The browser opens a new window and shows  . So this works as expected.
  2. Call the quicklink  <yourportal>/irj/portal/google . The portal tries to launch the inside the content area. In this case I get the error message that "Content cannot be displayed in a frame"

I think a lot of Portal admins would like to get this working as they could use Quicklinks more heavily.

Question to SAP: Is this intended behaviour ?



By the way:

Does anyone know how to list all  quicklinks available in the PCD ? I tried with the PCD Inspector, but did not succeed.

C U  @ #teched_2014

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Ulf,

The reason for not being able to launch sites like Google inside the content area, is because the site itself does not allow it.

There are different sites that prevent from being launched within an IFrame.

Google in your example prevent it because of click Jacking.

Thanks & regards,


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Hi Michal, Ulf,

Basically SAP doesn't enable this from 7.3 onwards. There is no way that "Launch in a separated headless portal window" option works in any way. Everytime your iView will open with header and navigation bar. To overcome this problem, you will have to do a little customization of AJAX framework page (AFP) and add "Browse document mode" into your newly created framework along with SAP deafult AJAX framework page.

How to do this, I have written a blog exactly on this. You can go through that and achieve expected headerless iView result. Here is the link:

Hope, it solve your problem or gives some pointer to you. Your suggestion regarding blog or a discussion on something most welcome.


Ravi Maheshwari

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Hi Michal,

thanks for your comment. But even if you use the portals own  as in an URL iview with a quicklink e.g /mynwa

it is still openend in the portal content area.



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Hi Ravi,

I have not yet followed your approach.

But it made me thinking of adding &NavMode=3 to my URL.

What happens?

At least the content is shown in a new headerless portal window.



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Hi Ulf,

NavMode=3 means it will show up content with Portal header. NavMode=10 will display content in headerless framework. I have not yet tried to follow these approach however it is good to try. I will try it and will let you the result.


Ravi Maheshwari

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Hi Ulf,

there is no possibility to show all quicklinks in the PCD. There is even no check if there is a duplicate quicklink in the PCD. For opening a quicklink in an new window you have the two possibilities I wrote in my earlier reply in this discussion.

Regards Nico

Former Member
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Hi Nico,

in fact you can do a programmatical PCD search / dublette checking with the PCD API on your own.

Accessing the PCD - Portal - SAP Library

Simple check the appropriate property and write e.g. a CSV to KM.
