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How to do a selective deletion (infocube datas) in a Process Chain ???

Former Member
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Hi all,

I encounter a little diffculty using BW (3.0) in my APO system (4.0) : I have a process chain that allow me to load daily R/3 datas into a BW/APO infocube, that works perfectly. The problem is that the volume of datas naturally keeps on growing, so I'd want to create a new step in the process chain, that would allow to make selective deletion in the cube.

For example, after every data loading in the infocube, datas of the cube that are dating of more than x days should be removed. I just can't find a process that allows me to do that, but only"complete deletion of data target contents", or "delete overlapping requests from infocube".

Maybe I could use a program or a routine but is there a standard program for selective deletion ?

I'm quite sure there's an easy way to do that but.... Anyone got an idea please ?

Many thanks !


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Former Member
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You have to write a program for this.A similar issue is discussed.Refer to this thread.

