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How to Disable Enterprise Search for Specific Applications/Catalogs Only?

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We are looking for a way to disable enterprise search functionality in the shell bar of the Fiori Launchpad, but only for specific applications or catalogs.

So far we've managed to disable search globally via transaction /UI2/FLP_CUS_CONF by specifying SEARCH option as false

I also tried to disable it in a catalog via target mapping for application by using parameter "renderers/fiori2/componentData/config/enableSearch" as false, but this one did not work at all.

I was only able to disable it by creating a separate target mapping and specifying semantic object as Shell and action as bootConfig and adding the parameter that I had used before, but this worked on a global level again.

Our current SAP_UI version is 758.

 Is there a way to disable the search functionality in the FLP shell bar specifically for selected applications or catalogs, rather than globally?

Thanks in advance for your help!


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