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How to define tree table annotation (XML view)?


I have defined tree table same as shown in UI5 demo kit sample.

<t:TreeTable id="TreeTableHeader" selectionMode="Single" enableColumnReordering="false" expandFirstLevel

"false" rows="{ path : '/SearchSet', parameters : { countMode: 'Inline',
treeAnnotationProperties : {

hierarchyLevelFor : 'HierarchyLevel',

hierarchyNodeFor : 'NodeID',

hierarchyParentNodeFor : 'ParentNodeID',

hierarchyDrillStateFor : 'DrillState' } } }" >

I am confused about "tree annotations properties" here.
My data coming from oData is as follow

I have tried defining annotations in MPC_EXT as shown in this blog

but it is calling same oData again when you expand any node.
I have tried one sample project in reference to UI5 sample application "tree table using mockserver", It works fine but not when i use my oData.

Can anyone explain about "tree annotation properties" where i need to maintain it?

I am also facing the same issue.Did you find the solution.

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