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How to create code list field in sap build process automation

0 Kudos

Hi all,

I would like to create code list field in the workflow of sap build process automation.

for example: 

for field named "Tools", we would like user to choose the code list data as drop down field instead of entering user by themselves.

Code list data sample

1. SAP Build Apps

2. SAP Build Process Automation

3. SAP Built Work Zone


And is it possible to do this following requirement?

we would like to map "Tools" field and "Cost" field and store somewhere in sap build process automation itself. (or) storing in somewhere outside sap build process automation and calling data using API.

sample data

Tools                                                Cost

SAP Build Apps                                 100

SAP Build Process Automation         150

SAP Build Work Zone                         50


if User select "SAP Build Apps" in "Tools" field, "100" will be automatically displayed in the field "Cost".


If you have any experience about like this, could you please share with me?


Thank you.

Best Regards,

Aye Chan


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Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos

This seems like a perfect case of a decision.

In a form you can use the choice field, and then use a decision to take this value and output the cost. Then display the cost in a form or call an action if you need to store it externally.

0 Kudos

Hi @Dan_Wroblewski,

Is it not possible to store that pair of Tools and Cost data in sap build process automation itself without using external storage?


Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos

Not sure what the objection is. You are storing those values in SAP Build Process Automation, in a Decision that lives in your process automation project. Not only that but any app could call that decision via API and get the cost from the tool string. In addition, you could store the selected value in a custom variable, and you could store the array of tools/cost pairs in a custom variable -- you could use a script task if you wanted to avoid a decision task and select the correct cost from the input value for the tool. Depends what your end goal here is.