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How to create a 64 bit sqla odbc client from a 32 bit sqla?

Former Member

We have a customer in Saudi Arabia. Given the time difference and their security policies, it is difficult to effect a remote-in with them. I think they are running sqla 10 on a 32 bit server. They want to create a 64 bit odbc driver msi to install on a 64 bit workstation. Normally, I would just have them visit the sqla 10 Deployment directory and create a driver msi. However, since this is a 32 bit sqla on a 32 bit server, I don't think that sqla will offer the 64 bit option. Any ideas/suggestions for this customer? Thanks, Doug.

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Some might ask "Are you kidding?" but stranger proposals have been made.

Like H.R. 2617 To establish the Apollo Lunar Landing Sites National Historical Park on the Moon.

Both are admirable but alas, I suspect neither is feasible.

Former Member
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Breck, don't you think it's a little below the bar to compare the noble efforts of those in this community, in any way, to what emerges from our Congress? 🙂

0 Kudos

Yes, I apologize, I could not resist because I had just read HR 2617 before your seeing your post and they both seemed... so... unlikely.

The good news is, Dietrich and Volker have suggestions... clearly they are skilled practitioners of the Dark Arts and I am but a muggle.

0 Kudos

skilled practitioners of the ...

No, for God's sake, the Deployment Wizard is the only "magical" tool I use.

Besides that, we're currently preparing for project "Luna migration":)

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The SQL Anywhere installer doesn't install the 64-bit binaries on a 32-bit installation - neither will an MSI file deployment.

You need to instead take these files from an existing 64-bit SQL Anywhere installation. If you don't want to create an distribution MSI via the Deployment Wizard from the 64-bit installation as Dietrich/Volker suggests, the command to manually install the ODBC driver is short if you are just copying the files:

  1. Install SQL Anywhere on a 64-bit machine, with the appropriate distribution license
  2. Take the required ODBC files listed in the documentation from \\bin64 for the ODBC driver, and copy them to the target computer
  3. From a Command Prompt, type regsvr32 c:\\path\\to\\bin64\\dbodbc12.dll.
  4. Launch the 64-bit ODBC Administrator c:\\Windows\\System32\\odbcad32.exe to see the 64-bit driver in the 'Drivers' section.

Also see:

Always ensure that you are licensed to distribute these client components and are limiting the number of installations to the number of seats that you are currently licensed for.

Former Member

Hi dejstone,

creating MSI, using the Deploymet Wizard, containing the 64bit binaries was introduced in SQL Anywhere 12. See

So, you customer would need to either use the standard SQL Anywhere installer, manually install the components or create their own MSI installer.

Kind regards,


Former Member

Thank you for the great feedback this issue. It's wonderful when feedback on a technical issue is both informative and entertaining. I decided to create an odbc client msi with my 64 bit SQLA 12. I zipped-up the msi and sent it to our customer. Thanks again!


And you can't build a MSI for them?

Besides Dietrich's suggestions, there might be a further option:

In case they also have a v12 64-bit installation available, they could also use that to create a v12 ODBC client MSI with the help of the Deployment Wizard - in general a v12 client should work with a v10 server as well as a v10 client.

Former Member
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If the customer has licenses for SQL Anywhere 12, they could also use the Client installer. See

0 Kudos

Yes, though as discussed in the following FAQ, that is a "heavy setup" when only the ODBC client is required: