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How to convert a 1252LATIN1 DB to UTF8 DB?

Former Member


I have an existing DB with Collation "1252LATIN1" and want to have it converted to "UTF8".

How do I do that?


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Answers (3)


In general see Mikels answer, but also consider the following regarding schema changes:

  1. Change the length of all VARCHAR or CHAR columns to have an explicit character-length semantics, beware CHAR columns will use 4 times more bytes doing so.
  2. Check all columns having an explicit INLINE or PREFIX clause, because these have their length allways in bytes, so in the worst case a PREFIX of 8 might be only 2 chars.

The database collation cannot be changed without rebuilding the database file. You should unload your existing database and reload it into a new database (created with the UTF8 collation).

0 Kudos

if you're connecting via ODBC, and want to try a simple work around before a rebuild, in your odbc settings, enter UTF-8 in the character set in the advanced tab. i THINK the UTF-8 is case-sensitive. it works for me with ASA 11. i have not tested with other versions.

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No UTF-8 is not case sensitive it still depends on how you create the database. So you can still choose by yourself.