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How to configure Scheduler task

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I'd like to configure Scheduler task with properties. I know that it is possible when service implements IService.

Interface extends IService and and class RFServiceWrapper implements that IRFServiceWrapper.

So I think I can configure portalapp.xml describing service RFServiceWrapper with properties. But I don't know how to pass fetched values of properties from that RFServiceWrapper to my scheduler task class, which implements ISchedulerTask (exteds java.lang.Object).

I appreciate any ideas.

Best regards,

Josef Motl

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Hi Josef,

first, I would suggest to configure your own scheduler task via a configuration definition within the confif archive. That way, you can configure the task "where it is defined". See the great new PDF from it's page 65 on...

Second, anyhow, you could go the way you suggested, even if somewhat you'd misuse the RFServiceWrapper. Anyhow, you can call a service and it's properties generally the following way:


from here on everything should be straight forward, see runtime/com/sapportals/portal/prt/service/iserviceprofile.html for details.

Hope it helps


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Detlev,

thank you, .pdf you mentioned helped me. But I have problem when deploying scheduler task par containing new version of config files to portal.

Firstly I deployed par without .co.xml and .cc.xml files to erase config of scheduler task. After that I deployed par with folowing files:

<ConfigClass name="cz.pct.TSNotification"  extends="SchedulerTask">
 <attribute name="class" type="class" constant="cz.pct.TSNotification"/>
 <attribute name="name" type="string"/>
 <attribute name="active" type="boolean"/>
 <attribute name="description" type="string"/>
 <attribute name="smtp_server" type="string"/>

<?xml version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Configurable configclass="cz.pct.TSNotification">
 <property name="name" value="Timesheet Scheduler Task" />
 <property name="active" value="true" />
 <property name="description" value="Scheduler task for Timesheet notifications" />
 <property name="smtp_server" value="" />

.. but it didn't appear in task scheduler configuration iView. What's wrong?

Best regards,

Josef Motl

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Detlev,

with my older file:

<ConfigClass name="cz.pct.TSNotification"  extends="SchedulerTask">
 <attribute name="class" type="class" constant="cz.pct.TSNotification"/>
 <attribute name="smtp_server" type="string"/>

.. I put scheduler task to run.. but, when I tried to access service as you described, I get an error:

com.sapportals.portal.prt.service.ServiceException: Service not found: cz.pct.TSNotification

(cz.pct.TSNotification is key of my RFServiceWrapper).

What's wrong?

Best regards,

Josef Motl

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Josef,

I have the same problem. How did you resolve it?

Thanks a lot.
