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How to bring the popup values that are opened when the filter in the search help is clicked?

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Hi friends,

I want to show the values of the filters in the search help in the smartfilterbar. Values do not appear in the filters that come in the popup. You have to enter the conditions manually. I want to fetch f4 of the values to be filtered and make a list. How do I do this in annotation.xml file. Need to give references among search help? What path should I follow? Thanks.


<Annotations Target="ZFTH_TEST_SERVICE_SRV.GetData/Carrid">
	<Annotation Term="Common.ValueList">
		<Record Type="Common.ValueListType">
			<PropertyValue Property="CollectionPath" String="CarridShSet"/>
			<PropertyValue Property="Parameters">
					<Record Type="Common.ValueListParameterInOut">
					     <PropertyValue Property="LocalDataProperty" PropertyPath="Carrid"/>
					     <PropertyValue Property="ValueListProperty" String="Carrid"/>
					<Record Type="Common.ValueListParameterDisplayOnly">
					     <PropertyValue Property="ValueListProperty" String="Connid"/>
					<Record Type="Common.ValueListParameterDisplayOnly">
					      <PropertyValue Property="ValueListProperty" String="Carrname"/>
					<Record Type="Common.ValueListParameterDisplayOnly">
					      <PropertyValue Property="ValueListProperty" String="Cityfrom"/>
					<Record Type="Common.ValueListParameterDisplayOnly">
					      <PropertyValue Property="ValueListProperty" String="Cityto"/>


<smartFilterBar:SmartFilterBar id="smartFilterBar" entityType="GetData" smartVariant="PageVariant" persistencyKey="PKeyFilterbar" initialized="filterBarInitialized" class="smartFilterBarWrapper">
	<smartFilterBar:ControlConfiguration key="Carrid" label="{/#GetData/Carrid/@sap:label}" preventInitialDataFetchInValueHelpDialog="false" visibleInAdvancedArea="true" index="1" filterType="multiple" mandatory="notMandatory"/>
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Active Contributor
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follow this and skip the last step regarding hiding the field.

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I don't want to hide the field. When I press the filter part, I want to bring the values in the popup.

I am not able to get Compact Filter F4 help List in Analytical List Pages, it showing as only Define Condition not as a Select from list.

But it should come like below,

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

just define value help for that field.