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How to addRecord in Web Dynpro to Model node (Entity Service ref)

Former Member
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1) I create Entity Service in CAF and try to write web dynpro Table UI for it.

2) is it possible with using Model Node? or I MUST use Value Node - Table must have possibilities for Add, Edit and Delete records.

Now I can edit, and delete records, but I can't add records with AddRecord method

Code below

public void NewTS( )


//@@begin NewTS()

IServiceFacade serviceFacade;

// Add new Model object TS

ATS ts = TSServiceProxy.create();

ts.setDate( new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));


serviceFacade = CAFServiceFactory.getServiceFacade(tsDefinition.class);

// try to addRecord to Controller context

IWDNodeElement n = wdContext.nodeTS().createElement(ts);



The error is:

Aspect row is invalid for aspect: <Aspect name="TS" >

Thx for any help

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Former Member
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Hi Nikolai,

I'm not sure here, but it seems the problem in typed access too.

Also possible that something wrong with nodes mapping.

Best regards,
