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How is the "Missing Hours" is being calculated in "Manage My Timehseet" application ?

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Hi All,

We would really like to know in "Manage My Timesheet" app how is the Missing Hours which displays in the overview of the App Tile is calculated ? 

Also, is there any way we also can check where is this missing hours flowing from ?

We have done internal analysis on the reporting perspective and see that planned hours and actual hours are matching; but we are not really sure where is this missing hours coming from ?

Any lead on this topic is much appreciated.


Evans Aarons

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Hi Evans,


The logic for calculation of missing hours in the 'Manage My Timesheet' tile is.


  1. Availability Data (Target Hours that user has to be maintained for the Day).
  2. Timesheet Data (Recorded Hours that user recorded their real working hours for the Day)
  3. Duration which limit the past days for Missing Hours' calculation (This is in the configuration "Maintain Data Entry Profiles" for Missing Days - Default is 60 Days)
    The user can also configure the Missing Days by themself.
    Note: Current day hours are not considered for the Missing Hours.

Calculation is done as follows: 

  1. Duration days for calculating the missing hours is (Current date – 1 ) - Past 60 days or the configured missing days.
  2. During the duration, if Recorded Hours is less than Target Hours then it is considered as Missing Day.
    Missing Hours for that day = Target Hours - Recorded Hours.
  3. Current logic calculates and sums up the number of Missing Hours for each day.
    Finally, the total missing hours are shown within the app.

In case the user wants to check the Target Hours and Recorded Hours:

  1. Target Hours: Can be checked from CDS view I_TIMEOVERVIEWBYWRKAGRMTANDDTE.
  2. Recorded Hours: Can be checked from CDS view I_TIMESHEETRECORD.


